Example sentences of "[not/n't] just at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But we are looking not just at the renewing of an orchestra over one decade but a process of change and evolution over more than three decades .
2 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
3 The ability to give direction to people is necessary not just at the top of an organisation .
4 Are these pictures simply transcriptions of power , in which the hard approach is mixed with the soft , and the Church is allied with the State ( and in this case hinting as well , not just at the foreigner 's domination of the native inhabitants but also at class conflict within colonial society , since the angel is a mélange of Spanish and Inca aristocracies ) ?
5 Not just at the Washington .
6 It is because Marx and Engels look not just at the laws but at the nature of relations of production within a whole system that this fundamental and analytically fruitful difference shows up with such great prominence in their work .
7 Sheila Payne argues in Counselling Psychology that women would benefit from attention throughout their treatment — not just at the beginning .
8 We er are fortunate enough in having a training scheme , in fact we were able to elect our first pensioner representative trustee two years ago and he is with us today , we 've just had another election and er two this time were elected , they will be trained , they had er Mr Hill had a two-day training by our actuaries er Watsons which are a big company , er but in talking to him about it he felt there was a lot to be said for having continued training , not just at the beginning of a two or three-year stint , but successively later .
9 Not just at the beginning but throughout what may prove to be a long and difficult journey of recovery .
10 All right , well let's look not just at the quantity , but at the quality .
11 ( You are not just at the interview to see if you suit the company but to see if the job genuinely suits you )
12 They are living under loose tented accommodation , some of them do n't have tented accommodation erm the , the country is hot , erm there is a shortage of water , not just at the camps but also to er Jordanian towns themselves at the moment .
13 The situation at Beida became tense as demonstrations were called to protest not just at the student 's death but the poor conditions of intellectuals in China , the lack of free speech and human rights , excessive bureaucracy in the party 's structure and rampant corruption within party echelons .
14 Such socialising had significance not just at the time but for the future , for table-fellowship was , in Jesus ' thinking , an anticipation of that great feast which will mark the consummation of the Kingdom .
15 The result of this decision necessitates that tribunals look not just at the nature of the offence but also at the severity or leniency of the punishment .
16 He continued to work hard and regularly up to his death not just at the drawing and painting he loved but also at the mechanics of his etching and the presentation of his work to the public .
17 There is concern not just at the impact of this expansion on the environment , but at whether , at the end of the day , the UK 's £20 billion road programme will actually promote economic growth or create grid- lock .
18 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
19 In deciding whether these tests are satisfied the judge must look not just at the prosecution 's case , but must take into account the likelihood of the newspaper successfully raising a defence .
20 I remembered George Crowninshield very well , for he and his wife had been my very first clients on board Wavebreaker and I had been nervous , not just at the prospect of a new job , but because of the client 's eminence .
21 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
22 This in turn is likely to affect the development and use of new technology , not just at the work-place but throughout the enterprise as a whole .
23 Progress can be reviewed at any time — not just at the end — and can be done both informally and in written reports .
24 The attention needs to be constant and the rewards are given frequently , not just at the end .
25 I could have looked after her and been with her so much longer then , not just a few months , not just at the end ! ’
26 This was n't true , but he did n't want to get dragged into one of William 's theological discussions , not just at the moment .
27 Not just at the moment , ’ Fabia squirmed .
28 It is not just at the ends of words where compression methods can be applied .
29 It is not just at the ends of words where common letter sequences can make use of the same nodes in a tree structure .
30 So what we would have been I mean it were n't just at the bottom of the street .
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