Example sentences of "[not/n't] only [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the first place the division of trade between intra- and extra-trade is not only affected by economic integration .
2 This is not only expressed through direct welfare , housing and educational provision to families which helps to ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour , but also in the reproduction of wider ideologies of popular consent which make it difficult for the rule to see the possibility of any other form of economic and political organization .
3 Also , being of royal descent from the House of Aragon , her marriage not only demonstrated to all that Rodrigo stood in high favour with the King , but also helped heal the breach between Castile and Leon .
4 The workers not only suffered from moderate wages but also from a sense of resentment , humiliation and social isolation at taking factory work .
5 For example , the country has not only suffered from unstable coffee prices , but also from a decline in production .
6 It was emphasised that this event was not only intended for those interested in ecumenical groups .
7 Upon a sale of land the purchaser is normally entitled to have produced to him and to investigate the deeds recording previous transactions in the land going back for fifteen years ( Law of Property Act 1969 : formerly the period was thirty years ) ; and though this period is sometimes reduced by agreement , the shortening of the period throws a risk on the purchaser , who is not only bound by all legal interests in the land which actually exist whether he discovers them or not , but also by all equitable interests which he would have discovered if he had insisted on an investigation for the longer period .
8 The Woodward team not only distinguished between small and large batches , as described in paragraph 5 above , but also between large batches produced by single machines or batteries of machines and large batches produced on assembly lines .
9 A system which has the intelligence to acknowledge that people are more than just a bag of bones dressed up in a birthday suit and that ill-health is not only caused by biological factors , but social , political , economic and environmental ones as well .
10 In this sense collective bargaining is not only confined to formalised , written agreements between trade unions and employers ' bodies , it can also include informal , collective dealings and negotiations at local level , both on wage and non-wage issues , between managements and works councils or similar bodies in countries like Austria and West Germany , even though in the latter country collective bargaining and the co-determination mechanisms are supposed to be kept separate .
11 Low birth weight is not only associated with high perinatal mortality but also with a much higher risk of dying during infancy , especially for a male child .
12 Lack of support for mainstream teachers is not only reflected through inadequate training .
13 Finally , we come to a group of countries in which state policy on education is not only constrained by external economic and political pressures but also starkly reflects the priorities of a small and exclusive élite .
14 Blood is not only used for straightforward transfusions , products extracted from blood have a whole number of uses — from the treatment of burns to the prevention of infection .
15 It should also include an analysis of what modern people understand by the very concept of ‘ prejudice ’ , for it is a concept , which is not only used by social scientists , but which is also significant in ordinary discourse .
16 Moreover , this lever is strengthened by electoral democracy , which legitimates the promotion of locally preferred policies , and in this way local states , and especially electoral local government , are not only used by those dominant at the centre to enable them to manage uneven development , but can also represent specifically local interests .
17 Seven had establishments under 200 , eight under 300 , and twelve over 300 , so that although there were no very small authorities in this group , training officers were not only found in large authorities .
18 In reality , of course , the fascist variant of ‘ charismatic leadership ’ — there are obvious parallels in the Mussolini cult — was not only superimposed on existing bureaucratic power , but created new , extensive apparatuses of bureaucratic administration , and led not to diminished but to massively increased bureaucratic interference in all spheres of daily life .
19 By 1967 the industrial sector of the West Bank had not only shrunk from 12 per cent to 9 per cent of the gross domestic product , but was now smaller than in any neighbouring Arab area , and in particular in comparison with industry in the East Bank , which had been virtually non-existent before 1948 .
20 The structure of knowledge in higher education is , however , not only implied by broad notions such as arts , science and subject balance ; it is embodied in the very structure of institutions and the academic professions .
21 It has not only failed in this , it has opened up a potential new division between private practice and employed lawyers .
22 the employer is not only provided with maximum assurance that his competitors will make the same settlement that he does ; he is also assured that his competitors will be shut down … when he is shut down , so that he need not reckon on a permanent reduction in market share when calculating the costs of a strike .
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