Example sentences of "[not/n't] some [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If I can demonstrate that the Kaiser himself , the monarch who ruled Germany for thirty years until nineteen eighteen , had ideas very similar if not identical to those of Hitler 's , at a time when he was not in contact with Hitler , when Hitler 's party was nowhere in political terms , then I think that 's yet another very important indication that there is continuity in German history from say the Bismarckian period through to nineteen forty-five , and that Hitler stands in that national tradition , and is not some kind of lightning erm that , that struck Germany erm from a blue sky .
2 She tossed her gold-blonde head and added levelly , ‘ And I 'm not some kind of vandal , if that 's what you 're suggesting . ’
3 ‘ I 'm not some kind of rabbi .
4 It was as if I needed proof that your first letter was not some kind of trick and you were dead after all .
5 It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who , in other contexts , would be the first to argue , and rightly , that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State , but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way .
6 It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who , in other contexts , would be the first to argue , and rightly , that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State , but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way .
7 ‘ What I 'm aiming at , ’ says Howard , ‘ is not some kind of thing where everybody is , you know , just sort of happy and sort of contented sort of thing all the time … ’
8 As US Ambassador to the UN , Thomas Pickering , so brusquely proclaimed : ‘ The issue at hand is not some difference of opinion and approach that can be mediated or negotiated . ’
9 The US ambassador to the UN , Thomas Pickering , has claimed that ‘ the matter is not some difference of opinion or approach that can be mediated or negotiated . ’
10 Whatever Gran says about her , she 's only a woman , not some sort of witch .
11 ‘ Even if it 's true and not some sort of dream , what can you do about it ? ’
12 ‘ Refusing to consider my offer is n't some kind of revenge for what I said in Adelaide ? ’ he asked guardedly .
13 Primary education is n't some form of factory farming based on controlled diets of programmes of study and attainment targets .
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