Example sentences of "[not/n't] see [pers pn] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was a disappointment for his many fans not to see him in action .
2 If they think of history , it may be hard not to see it in dressing-up terms from telly watching .
3 Geraldine had not seen him in pyjamas before .
4 Ken has encouraged me to circulate this , although he has not seen it in detail .
5 Zenith knew of the existence of Acme 's program but had not seen it in use — no infringement of copyright , the function of the program is idea , not expression .
6 ‘ You have n't seen her in action , ’ said Rosheen .
7 I have n't seen her in years , I 'm not even sure if I 'd recognize her … " she finished doubtfully .
8 I have n't seen him in years , but he wo n't have changed .
9 ‘ Besides , 1 have n't seen him in weeks .
10 ‘ You mean you have n't seen him in Peru ?
11 They had n't seen him in months .
12 The massive stone structure stood out bravely amidst the miles of destruction , and the crew became interested as they had n't seen it in daylight before .
13 If , like many of us , you ca n't lay hand son the exact title and date of publication DO NOT be deterred but add contextualising detail of the kind which will help librarians as well as researchers to locate the item eg , size ( in a great fat book ) ; colour ( bluey-green cover with photos … ) ; age ( quite old now I suppose , have n't seen it in bookshops for ages … ) .
14 I do n't care what you 're writing down , just as long as I do n't see it in Republican News .
15 ‘ I do n't see you in church , ’ he teased .
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