Example sentences of "[not/n't] see [pers pn] for a " in BNC.

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1 He had not seen her for a while and he was pretty sure she had committed suicide .
2 she kept in touch with them for some time but er , I 've not seen her for a year so , I would n't know .
3 She had not seen him for a month .
4 She had not seen him for an hour or more , he had been here earlier , had he left in a fit of boredom , was he sulking in
5 He felt a contentment when he was in her company that he missed when he did not see her for a while .
6 This is me , I goes , I goes I 'll let it slip this time cos you have n't seen me for a few weeks .
7 No , he had n't seen her for a week before that weekend ; he had missed her — this with a baleful glance towards the door — and had indeed got as far as ringing her up on the Saturday morning , hoping she would come up for Sunday , but had got no answer from her flat .
8 Have n't seen her for a while .
9 Oh here 's another dog I think oh it 's Judy 's , not it 's not hello , have n't seen you for a long time , hello , have n't seen her for a long time , morning , good morning oh she 's a sweetie is n't she ? forgotten her name come and say hello , I have n't seen you for ages , so him once on the , good morning .
10 Have n't seen her for a couple of month , have you ?
11 Have n't seen them for a long time .
12 ‘ You do n't get over disliking someone simply because you have n't seen them for a long time . ’
13 Well say hello to them for us cos we have n't seen them for a long time .
14 I have n't seen them for a while
15 Oh gosh , I have n't seen them for a
16 It was great because Steve Marriott was on it as well and I had n't seen him for a couple of years .
17 It was when I had n't seen him for a long time and I was all wound up .
18 Oh I was very , I have n't seen him for a while , being ill you do n't , but er , he was always sending messages of good will when I was in hospital .
19 They passed two landings , Gordon following her with majestic tread , but faster than one might expect , since although he had lost time in hanging up his raincoat in the hall , he reached the door first , and opened it without any kind of announcement , and Edward was standing , with his back to them at first , thinner and smaller than she remembered , but then she always made the mistake when she had n't seen him for a bit — he turned round , protesting , and it was Edward .
20 I have n't seen him for a day or two , ’ said the girl , ‘ but he usually comes in about now . ’
21 They got worried when they had n't seen him for a while .
22 I have n't seen him for a while actually .
23 ‘ Have n't seen you for a while . ’
24 ‘ Have n't seen you for a while , Mac , ’ she said , tight-lipped as she dropped the cheese rolls into a brown paper bag .
25 I went out and saw it a minute ago and I thought I 'd bring it in and I thought I had n't seen you for a couple of days .
26 Have n't seen you for a long time have you ?
27 Oh here 's another dog I think oh it 's Judy 's , not it 's not hello , have n't seen you for a long time , hello , have n't seen her for a long time , morning , good morning oh she 's a sweetie is n't she ? forgotten her name come and say hello , I have n't seen you for ages , so him once on the , good morning .
28 I only brought that one down because we have n't seen it for a long time , just choose one
29 I said I would , but I would n't see him for a couple of days because I had to take a train .
30 She did n't see him for a few days after that , and had time to wonder why she had made it all up .
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