Example sentences of "[not/n't] see [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 I will certainly visit Loughborough to see 4771 , as Ii have not seen her since that day in August 1962 .
2 I have not seen her from that day to this .
3 Nora had not seen her like that since the day she and Sam had arrived at Coutances .
4 Ramsay had not seen him since that day at Musselburgh when the good Regent Moray died and Seton had been sent off to Fife to try to hamper Balliol 's landing at Kinghorn , a gallant but unsuccessful endeavour in which Seton had been wounded .
5 Maggie 's face flushed hotly and she was glad that Ana could not see her at that moment .
6 Of course I did not see it like that at the time .
7 I do not see it like that , and I am sure that the nation as a whole would not either .
8 As for your point that Mr O'Farrell does not see you in that light , that is surely up to you ? ’
9 ‘ But you had n't seen her on that occasion ? ’
10 I had n't seen her since that night at the Club and I was beginning to despair of ever seeing her again .
11 You wo n't see him at that price again for a very long time .
12 I do n't see him in that way at all . ’
13 When I saw them again I dropped down on one knee , knowing that even though they were constantly looking back they would n't see me at that low level , in my nature-coloured clothes .
14 Oh no wo n't see it with that flipping big collar on my school shirt !
15 Ignoring is regarded by the child as a punishment , even if you do n't see it like that .
16 We do n't see it like that .
17 ‘ We ca n't see it like that , Jane , ’ I was told .
18 Says a spokesman : ‘ Competitors are claiming hand-helds are now a part of fashion , but we do n't see it like that .
19 But Mrs. Thatcher and Company would n't see it like that , it was agreed .
20 Everyone who 's commented on the album so far reckons it 's pretty melancholy , but I do n't see it like that at all .
21 But he could n't see it like that .
22 Everyone who 's commented on the album so far reckons it 's pretty melancholy , but I do n't see it like that at all .
23 ‘ You must n't see it like that ! ’
24 ‘ They do n't see it like that .
25 But she , she wo n't see it like that will she ?
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