Example sentences of "a warning to " in BNC.

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1 I hope the current wage negotiations will shortly come to a satisfactory conclusion , ’ said Hartington , adding a warning to owners that they must expect higher training fees to permit lads to be properly paid .
2 I hope the current wage negotiations will shortly come to a satisfactory conclusion , ’ said Hartington , adding a warning to owners that they must expect higher training fees to permit lads to be properly paid .
3 These new powers would sound a warning to a number of companies which run , or are planning to build , new incinerators in Britain , some of which rely on imports to maintain profitability .
4 It was clearly intended as a warning to Downing Street .
5 He tried to scream a warning to his nightmare self : ‘ No , do n't go in there !
6 Far from being the moment when British trade unionism all but collapsed , the General Strike — even though there were other factors at play — sounded a warning to employers that trade unions would resist further wage incursions and that the cost of too muscular an industrial policy could be high .
7 Geoff Hamilton continues to champion effective alternatives to peat , sounding a warning to suppliers of substandard ‘ green ’ materials and misleading information
8 It is also a warning to all hack Tories who think that it is a telling blow against Kinnock to keep on pointing out that he has reversed his opinions about unilateral nuclear disarmament , British membership of the EC , or anything else .
9 ‘ It should be a warning to them that if they 're really serious about fighting drug abuse , they need to step in and take a leading role .
10 The Australian 's 61 off 69 balls , at a time when Tim Munton was making other batsmen jump , was of the highest quality and serves as a warning to other sides what awaits them at Chelmsford .
11 The examples of the behaviour of these men was so outrageous that it served as a warning to many people against this particular vice .
12 His body was left to rot as a warning to others who might be tempted to stray from those paths of righteousness .
13 Their heads were impaled on Charles Bridge as a warning to others and their families were sent into exile and their lands given to Ferdinand 's Habsburg supporters , mainly Germans .
14 I 'm going to spell out a warning to the aeroplane pilot by making you all into letters .
15 Money was certainly needed , but there was a warning to be heeded .
16 Furthermore , should the level of perception of a toxic substance be lower than its TLV , then the odour is in effect acting as a warning to the workforce .
17 It is worth sounding a warning to those who are part of a tightly-knit family unit .
18 Third , an animal may be brightly coloured as a warning to its enemies that it is not to be trifled with .
19 Because poisonous animals are often brightly coloured , as a warning to would-be predators , there is a startle value in a prey species suddenly flashing a bright patch of colour , even if it is not poisonous .
20 One came many hours later after news of the atrocity had been spread by Claverhouse as a warning to the district .
21 She thought he was a hard man because he had spoken of the sturdy beggars as no better than wolves to be strung up on trees as a warning to others ; he certainly had not helped her to escape out of pity .
22 From the point of view of natural creation , however , dare we suggest that a not altogether unfeeling God introduced the sound as a warning to its prey , so that in the natural economy , mosquitoes did not have an unfair advantage and that all warm-blooded creatures in mosquito-infested areas were not permanently condemned to a life of itching and scratching !
23 ‘ They left his body lying where it fell for three days , as a warning to the other prisoners .
24 Occasionally , they heard a pack of jackals howling , and the dog guarding the sheep outside would growl and bark a warning to them .
25 This.vertical Phillips curve ( labelled LPC in Fig. 6.4 ) can be regarded as a warning to policy-makers that continued attempts to reduce unemployment below its natural level can only lead to higher and higher inflation rates and no long-run decrease in unemployment .
26 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
27 For example , the familiar red triangular sign picturing two running children , internationally accepted as a warning to motorists that they are approaching a school , was interpreted by almost all of a sample of children as being a sign for them to observe , not one for cautioning drivers .
28 The headmaster at the school gave a talk to all the children and issued a warning to them to beware of the Rottweiler breed in particular .
29 One theory is based upon aposematic , or warning coloration suggesting that the bright coloration of the clownfish acts as a warning to predators against approaching too closely to the venomous tentacles .
30 Deacon had taken over the head of the formation as the leader 's R/T was not working , and calling a warning to the other pilots , he swung into the attack on one Messerschmitt from the quarter position , breaking away to attack a second similarly , though in neither case did he observe any results .
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