Example sentences of "a short time " in BNC.

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1 These courses could not be done in a shorter time so they were normally arranged for a time of year when there was less pressure of work on those participating .
2 The proportions reported to have had difficulty with various aspects of caring for themselves ( getting in and out of a bath or shower , dressing and undressing , going to the toilet , washing and shaving , feeding themselves , making a hot drink , or needing help at night ) for a year or more before death was 87 per cent of those who had been in a residential home for a year or more , 60 per cent of those in for a shorter time and 25 per cent of those who had not been in such a home at all .
3 The other factor that was related to assessments of quality of life was whether people had been in a residential home for a year or more or for a shorter time .
4 Herodotus was able to establish some kind of time-sequence for the two centuries before his time , but he was a more diffuse writer than Thucydides , who was concerned with many events occurring in a shorter time interval .
5 Instead , I took up running in order to take more exercise in a shorter time .
6 The safety mattress took a shorter time to reach a lower maximum temperature — 84°C — and formed only 50–3 cubic metres of smoke .
7 Buxtehude planners are confident that these results are a consequence of the introduction of environmental traffic management , for drivers now have a wider angle of visibility , a shorter time to react and a reduced braking distance .
8 The live Genesis compilation from this year 's world tour covers a shorter time span but it at least has an unusual , if clumsy , title — The Way We Walk , Volume 1 : The Shorts .
9 And this approach also helped compress our evaluation into a shorter time scale . ’
10 A single-shell wooden coffin disintegrated in a shorter time , thereby releasing space within the soil for further deposits , to the financial advantage of the incumbent .
11 If the thought of a lengthy moorland return is unappealing , an alternative way to get to the best of the escarpment in a shorter time is to start from a parking area near a prominent standing stone on the unclassified road to Trecastle .
12 However , many excess mortgage allowance schemes run for a shorter time , for instance , for five or seven years .
13 Social workers should always have as clear a plan as possible for the child , and implement it in a shorter time than normal .
14 That is , there was evidence of some compensation , partly due to a shorter time to the onset of REM sleep .
15 4 Consumers must respond to price differences with a shorter time lag .
16 However , there were two big differences : Whites had more in privately rented accommodation and had lived there for a shorter time ; these areas contained only 6 per cent .
17 It was urged that , if this construction were adopted , a solicitor would have a shorter time during which he may abstain from bringing his action for work done than the rest of Her Majesty 's subjects .
18 Flies which have their day length continually varied live a shorter time than those following a more normal routine .
19 Those people whose first job on leaving unemployment was a " temporary " one were more likely to suffer multiple spells of unemployment , to hold many jobs , to experience a longer time in unemployment and a shorter time in employment over the 20 months following their initial registration than those whose first job was a " permanent " one [ see Tables 4.3.5 ] .
20 This seems to indicate that the college considers that a subspecialist trainee can acquire general skills in a shorter time than an academic trainee .
21 Two years ago the same thing had happened , but for a shorter time .
22 They were n't right for each other and maybe a marriage would last a shorter time than a more informal , less intense liaison ; brief and bitter , both of them on proximity fuses with things coming rapidly to a crunch , rather than something more drawn out , where they might spend long periods apart and so forget how much they hated being together , and enjoy the fleeting , passionate moments of reunion …
23 to save time : organisations make it possible for objectives to be reached in a shorter time .
24 Although you have to put up with the pain for a shorter time , you may not have any real build-up to it — suddenly , strong contractions hit you — so it 's difficult to pace yourself and put into practice the breathing exercises you rehearsed so carefully at antenatal classes .
25 The course is being offered initially to some 100 IBM staff and participants will have the opportunity to gain credit for their prior learning thus enabling the course to be completed in a shorter time .
26 He made notes and said that if he had a key to the house he 'd be able to plan what was needed in a shorter time .
27 When the Minister reviews the business regulations will he consider extending that review to the regulation of financial institutions , in view of the problems with the collapse of Guinness III and the potential collapse of Guinness II , and in view of the serious difficulty with fraud regulation at present , particularly now that only three people will be going to gaol for a shorter time than the whole of the Guinness trial was taken , with one of them , Mr. Ernest Saunders , whose sentence was reduced because of ill health , on the national media this morning in blooming health and protesting his innocence ?
28 The ABI , however , imposes a shorter time limit .
29 Well the accident was was that if you look at the junctions along that section of road and carried out qualifications junction , you could release , reduce delays from junctions and effect of your making your total journey in a shorter time making that route slightly more attractive .
30 After primary fermentation the beer is stored ( the German word is ‘ lagered ’ ) for a short time but rarely for the month or more that is standard abroad .
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