Example sentences of "a alternative to " in BNC.

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1 An alternative to dates is to use a term like Romantic , even if its meaning seems to alter from writer to writer .
2 Thus a gold or purple-leaved shrub is best used not as an alternative to green foliage , but as a specimen highlight whose beauty depends on the contrast with its green neighbours .
3 More and more people are taking to their bikes as an alternative to driving or using public transport .
4 The conference was also told that as an alternative to the expense of sending officers to university , it was proposed to ‘ direct officers to research a particular problem … and give them a short period to carry out intensive research ’ .
5 I then wonder why some enterprising manufacturer has n't made a cheap engineer 's lathe as an alternative to the old-fashioned wood lathe .
6 An evaluation of an alternative to long-stay hospital care for frail elderly patients : 1 .
7 Edward Weiss , chairman of the report 's working party , said the recommendations were being put forward as an alternative to privatisation .
8 Likud seeks an alternative to the PLO .
9 Which assumes that the latter is an alternative to the former , rather than a consequence .
10 They have offered as an alternative to a formal listing , a system of self-regulation .
11 In this context ‘ easing ’ has to be seen as a means to accomplishing routine community police work , not as an alternative to it .
12 As an alternative to 100% ownership and control , what about alternative arrangements such as a partnership or joint venture ?
13 In the final campaign , Conservative propaganda focused on defence and Kinnock himself provided a target for attack in a TV-am interview with David Frost in which , his opponents alleged , he advocated a strategy of guerrilla war as an alternative to nuclear weapons .
14 Even the indignation of satire might assume the same moral perspective as that of the order being challenged , or at least an alternative to it .
15 An alternative to shortening the period scope would be to expand the work to two volumes , the first to cover the period c.1660–1832 and the second the period from 1832 to the present day .
16 In this way Marx and Engels give us an alternative to the idealist philosophies which they reject .
17 Firstly Muslims ( like Christians and unlike Hindus ) have set prayers which should be said during the day , so that Christian prayers can be regarded as a threat or at least an alternative to Islam , and secondly , while Hindu and Sikh parents often regard Christian prayers for their children as so much water off a duck 's back , Muslims , again like Christians or religious Jews , object to any other religious influence on their children .
18 This had the effect of giving the BBC an effective monopoly as advertising revenue could best be maximized by providing an alternative to sport on independent television .
19 More people are now turning to the bottled version as an alternative to tapped
20 Is there an alternative to this at times unhappy compromise between ‘ relevance ’ and ‘ simplicity' ?
21 Time and again her paintings demonstrated an alternative to the brink which they sensed his were heading for .
22 Meanwhile , Mr Hurd loyally reflects the cabinet line on Economic and Monetary Union ( EMU ) embodied in the treasury 's ‘ competing currencies ’ paper issued on November 2 as an alternative to the Delors report 's Stage II and III — the creation of a single central bank and currency .
23 Meanwhile , Mr Hurd loyally reflects the cabinet line on Economic and Monetary Union ( EMU ) embodied in the treasury 's ‘ competing currencies ’ paper issued on November 2 as an alternative to the Delors report 's Stage II and III — the creation of a single central bank and currency .
24 No-one saw him as an alternative to the increasingly-authoritarian left-wing regime of Maurice Bishop in the early 1980s .
25 Coniston Partners , the New York investment group which holds nearly 12 per cent of UAL , has given the board until January 8 to come up with an alternative to the $6.75billion buyout which failed to take off in October .
26 Instead he should press Kennedy to honour Eisenhower 's unwritten pledge to provide Polaris as an alternative to Skybolt .
27 An alternative to Saddam
28 Labour said Michael Heseltine , the environment secretary , was in a ‘ fever of indecision ’ over an alternative to Mrs Thatcher 's flagship .
29 This could make Novell 's products an alternative to Microsoft 's networking software , called LAN Manager .
30 Mr Bush , and his secretary of state , Mr James Baker , are trying to get more control for themselves , advocating ‘ constructive consultation ’ with Congress as an alternative to earmarking .
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