Example sentences of "a danger to " in BNC.

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1 Ensure that your fingernails and toenails are clean and are cut short so that they do n't pose a danger to the opponent .
2 Furthermore , if your level of aggression is increased by drugs , you may very well prove to be a danger to the opponent and lose anyway !
3 Debonair and dignified , or a danger to the community ?
4 His main thesis , that Thatcher 's defective personality and failing judgement , allied to a fierce determination to survive , supported by ruthless henchmen , make her a danger to the country , may well stand up .
5 Octavia Hill , too , adopted the principle that her housing ventures must be self-supporting , and that the tenants should pay an economic rent ; she maintained that rate-aided housing might be a danger to poorer tenants , who would be in the position of having to contribute through the rates to council housing , when they could scarcely afford the rent for their own inferior accommodation .
6 Enjoying widespread support in the constituencies , the supporters of the tariff threatened to become a danger to Baldwin 's leadership — as they had been during the 1929–31 period .
7 The trick was to portray one 's chief opponent as sectional , driven by class envy , and a danger to social and economic stability , and thereby to provoke a defensive coalition against him .
8 These people are a danger to themselves and others , are a downright public nuisance and their habits ( when conducted in the course of driving ) should be legislated against .
9 The only National Front MP elected in last year 's general election , Mrs Yann Piat , said she resigned from the party a year ago because she ‘ realised that the Front was a dead-end movement and a danger to our country . ’
10 He is at his best on soft ground and would be a danger to all off his present mark if he could find his best form .
11 Old Stevenson would go spare if he knew , and I 'm not certain whether he 'd try and get me moved as a danger to junior staff , or you moved as a wicked woman .
12 The emperor had begun to think polytheistic cult a veneration of evil spirits and therefore perhaps a danger to his realm .
13 In Berlin , Bismarck pretended to believe that the internal instability affecting France presented a danger to the peace of Europe , remarking to the British Ambassador that : ‘ If the present Constitutional Government in France had been three years instead of three months in existence , there would be some chance for its duration and the maintenance of peace . ’
14 And while the White House has publicly dismissed anti-war demonstrators as well-meaning but ‘ misguided individuals ’ , off the record , some presidential advisers reportedly consider the anti-war movement a danger to be dealt with , noting that ‘ its membership is mainstream and 100 times stronger now than at the beginning of Vietnam . ’
15 The ‘ scourge of criminal violence ’ was , Whitelaw argued , a danger to the whole framework of consent and legality on which the political institutions of British society were based .
16 However , this can be a useful built-in safety factor , as it prevents those who are n't up to it from sailing in waves where they will be a danger to themselves and others .
17 Similarly , James Bryce , chairman of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education , also looked on sectional interests as a danger to the common good because ‘ civilized societies ’ , he said , were progressing towards popular government and , given this direction , ‘ each member of a free community must be capable of citizenship ’ which involved ‘ Intelligence , Self-Control , Conscience ’ .
18 I 'm afraid he 's becoming as much a danger to us as he is to everyone else . ’
19 Section 7(4) imposes a duty on the disposal authority to issue such a notice where it appears that continuation of activities to which the licence relates would cause pollution of water , a danger to public health or are seriously detrimental to amenities of the locality , and can not be avoided by modifying the conditions specified in the licence .
20 Quite often however the question of whether materials are merely an annoyance or in fact a danger to health is a quantitative one .
21 At present doctors must prove at regular intervals that such patients are still a danger to society .
22 The result is both a danger to the local population ( such as the town of Nicolosi , which is in the path of the present flow ) and a loss of valuable research opportunities .
23 SERGEI V. IVANOV , the Russian diplomat declared persona non grata on the eve of All Fool 's day was a danger to Britain because he is a purpose built hi-tech spy .
24 A KINGSLEY man , branded ‘ a pest and a danger to everyone ’ has been put on probation for two years .
25 Government Ministers have increased powers to act if they suspect that food on sale may be a danger to health
26 The favoured solution is therefore to find ways of slowing cars to speeds at which the short sight-lines are not a danger to children .
27 So please put her mind at rest and tell her it 's not plastic , but some other product that 's not a danger to us , because we 'd love to have them back please !
28 Elderly people should never be persuaded against their will to move out of their own home , unless their mental or physical health or living conditions are so deplorable that they are a danger to their own or other people 's safety .
29 Gandhi only began to undertake serious fasts — that is , fasts where there was a danger to his life , as opposed to brief fasts for purposes of spiritual discipline or penance — after he had established a reputation for sanctity and a large following based to some extent on that reputation .
30 He spent so much time preening and posing and intimidating rivals and refusing to enter the competition before the bar became a danger to low-flying aircraft that he failed to clear a height .
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