Example sentences of "a almost [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
2 By a curious paradox of war , the Schlieffen Plan had been completely reversed : the Germans had been reduced to stalemate in the west while in the east they had inflicted an almost knock-out blow .
3 It is the John Neilson Institution , built 1849 – 52 by architect Charles Wilson , who was capable of creating urban set-pieces on an almost megalomaniac scale .
4 Not only must you keep an almost minute by minute diary of what you are doing and why , but once you have accumulated all the information you must then analyse it .
5 That these generally complex , polytextual pieces can today appeal to an almost capacity house at the Wigmore Hall is largely due to two factors : the superb singing of Gothic Voices , and the ability of their director , Christopher Page , to unlock the musical secrets of the past .
6 In January 1919 , while still an able seaman , he accepted an almost chance offer of a tutorship in modern history at St Edmund Hall , Oxford .
7 There is a er an almost consensus across the states as to what that should be erm but there are variations so there could be wild variations so that there , there is a , a scope er to determine that er each state is free to set up whatever agencies or departments , parts of the bureaucracy it feels like setting up , it 's not subject to any federal control or national standards .
8 Measuring 64 x 80 cm , ‘ Jardin à Auvers ’ is in perfect condition , an extremely strong composition with sweeping curved lines , devoid of sky and using an almost pointilliste technique .
9 His passion for his cousin prefigures many subsequent unfulfilled arousals later in his life exactly as , in moments of heightened sensibility , he reveals an almost Puritan recoil from any way of life that was not earnest , spiritually fruitful , and socially useful .
10 DOL said that Kelly would be an almost certainty for the Rep .
11 Much of Pushkin 's poetry exuded an almost Renaissance delight in the richness and beauty of life .
12 The American composer George Crumb has achieved an almost cult following for his mystical work .
13 The skins gave out the image of an almost robot uniformed army , in which attack on one individual would bring a violent response from the rest .
14 Black was decreed to be the only acceptable colour ( though a few white hairs in the switch and a little white on the udder were permissible ) and the most prized colour was an almost chocolate brown-black .
15 ‘ Four trains a day between Whitby and Middlesbrough and an almost skeleton service on the main line to Darlington is no advert for the railway system .
16 Now the West will have an almost monopoly position , providing the Chinese , Brazilians and local armaments industries do not take too much of the trade .
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