Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] which be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Brewers Carlsberg have promised to double the club 's donation which is targeted for £2,000 to buy and train two dogs .
2 At the Party Conference held at the end of April the Bolsheviks officially repudiated even the most heavily qualified support for the Provisional Government and adopted Lenin 's programme which was disseminated in crisp , clear , and hard-hitting language .
3 I was into Regazzoni 's car which was sliding backwards and my rear wheels climbed over his .
4 Opposition Members will obviously be disappointed at the Minister 's reply which is characterised by his usual laid-back approach to the matter .
5 In mathematics he was clearly one year ahead , and was immediately awarded a Founder 's scholarship and two small exhibitions — and this at St John 's College which was noted at this time for its academic distinction .
6 She shook her head disbelievingly and I explained the Council 's plan which was to shift one or two caravans — and re-house the families in them — but only so there would be room to make a decent road into the plot .
7 But rising as his star was , there was one aspect to Leonard 's poetry which was encouraged by Layton and discouraged by Dudek .
8 In the Government 's manifesto which was sent to every household it was clearly stated that there would be no political union .
9 The diplomacy which must have preceded this match , and Cnut 's desire for it , imply worries about Robert 's attitude which were to prove well founded .
10 But delegates were advised that any such local ruling would be overridden by the FA 's decree which was explained by Northern members on the council of the national governing body .
11 President Lech Walesa was said to have been astonished and upset by Kolodziejczyk 's retirement which was seen by observers as an indication of tension between Olszewski and Walesa , who had initially opposed the formation of the Olszewski government .
12 First to go was Paddy Mayne 's group which was guided by the LRDG S1 patrol commanded by Lieutenant Lazarus .
13 The reshuffle clears the decks before Monday 's crucial scheduled central committee 's meeting which is expected to reveal alarming details about Bulgaria 's ailing economy and to tackle the problem of Mr Zhivkov 's internationally comdemned assimilation policy against the country 's Turkish minority .
14 Smiling to herself , she led the boy across the hall and on up the staircase , then along the galleried landing towards the far end of the corridor and Richard 's room which was situated between the larger room that was Cissie 's and the bright pretty room that was Beth 's and David 's .
15 She discovered though that it was not the odd-job man 's name which was causing him mild amusement , but her !
16 It is worth noting that what began for Victoria as admiration , tinged with a degree of condescension , developed over the years into genuine friendship and a respect for Eugénie 's character which was to link both sovereigns ever more closely until the Queen 's death in 1901 .
17 Wearing a tidy black suit , Palance throws his carpetbag negligently into the back of Jeff Chandler 's buggy which is to take him to the reservation .
18 Thus , each of the three sons of Loys de Haulteterre can be identified with a maker 's mark which was continued by his sons ( and in some cases grandsons and great grandsons ) as successors .
19 The programme showed a children 's nightdress which is sold in the shops for £1.10 .
20 The witness gives oral evidence at the preliminary inquiry in the magistrate 's court which is recorded in the form of a deposition .
21 I have never eaten brawn — no doubt I should do so — so can not comment on it except to say that it is made from the pig 's head which is simmered with herbs and spices ; the resulting meat is set in the naturally produced aspic .
22 ‘ Do n't remind me what floor it is , lady , ’ Broomhead said quickly , jumping down and reaching for his horse 's nosebag which was strapped beneath the seat .
23 Such romantic stories and ballads inspired many nineteenth-century ballets , directly or indirectly , from Petipa 's Raymonda , Massine 's Symphonie Fantastique and Lenau 's Don Juan ( to the tone poem by Strauss which was later to inspire an Ashton ballet ) to La Sonnambula ( Balanchine 's ballet based on Bellini 's opera which was based on a Walter Scott novel , see page 33 ) .
24 His ashes were placed in his wife Gail 's coffin which was buried with their three children in the rainswept Lake District .
25 Keating described the budget as a consolidation of the government 's policy which was succeeding in " slowing the economy without impairing longer-term growth prospects or jeopardizing the economic and social advances of recent years " .
26 At this year 's exhibition which was held in March , Johnson Matthey Catalytic Systems Division was invited to join the Department of Trade and Industry 's Technology Partnership Initiative .
27 A third mechanism is also of growing importance : the Patient 's Charter which was introduced in November 1991 as part of the Citizen 's Charter initiative .
28 The other option is to take over the property in central Edinburgh 's Grassmarket which was vacated last year by Heriot-Watt University , as it completed its move to the Riccarton campus on the western outskirts of the capital .
29 In other words Braque is in effect saying ‘ My picture is an object , a flat surface , and the spatial sensations it evokes are a painter 's space which is intended to inform and not to deceive . ’
30 To teach effectively teachers must therefore be aware of facets of the child 's life which are contributing to tension and disquiet .
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