Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 LEC Refrigeration 's dive into the red with a slashed dividend payout left the shares 8p weaker at 268p .
2 In her haste to be gone she stuffed Dotty Blundell 's brassière into the pocket of her overalls .
3 Mom gets involved in murder cases , car chases and mean-street shoot-outs , wins the day and her son 's heart into the bargain .
4 In particular , P. Souvestre and M. Allain are virulently denounced for producing pernicious detective stories in which the fight against crime is insidiously transformed in the reader 's mind into the struggle against the revolution .
5 Perhaps she was not feeling well , or it could be that she resented Lissa 's intrusion into the office .
6 Ernest Bevin 's entry into the wartime coalition made it even less likely than before that the bulk of trade-union officials would tolerate the Communists let alone support them .
7 ‘ There was no-one in the car and cattle had churned the ground so much that we could not with certainty detect footprints in the vicinity of the car 's entry into the water .
8 The third option is to drop the penalty of one stroke , as far back as you wish , keeping the ball 's entry into the hazard ( marked B ) between the spot on which the ball is dropped and the hole .
9 The obvious parallel is with the reaction to Britain 's entry into the exchange rate mechanism 18 months ago .
10 On the other hand , both the Thatcher and Major governments , especially after Britain 's entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism in October 1990 , were prepared to discuss their attitude to EMU with some freedom .
11 The optimism follows Britain 's entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism and the cut in interest rates ; the Stock Exchange one hundred index closed fifty seven points higher at just over twenty two hundred .
12 Labour is accusing Mrs Thatcher of dodging a debate on Britain 's entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism because she 's humiliated by the U-turn .
13 Letters have been flying between number ten and Mr Kinnock 's office over a Commons debate on Britain 's entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
14 Thus has been the pattern with sterling 's entry into the exchange-rate mechanism of the European Monetary System .
15 In his view , Keynes 's entry into the arena was the result of his commitment to the new Liberalism .
16 If the markets are pressing for sterling 's entry into the ERM , a negative message could invite a brutal reaction .
17 Given the predictable economic consequences of Britain 's entry into the ERM , the question is , why was it done ?
18 Some of these are already apparent following Britain 's entry into the ERM : the stoking up of inflation in the mid-1980s and the creation in the 1990s of a million or so extra unemployed , together with thousands of bankruptcies , can properly be ascribed in the main to priority having been given to a managed exchange rate .
19 Cecil King 's entry into the field of newspaper publishing changed all this .
20 Prior to Gore 's entry into the affair , some 75 members of Congress and eight of the erstwhile hostages had called for a full inquiry .
21 Section 5 also assisted Lady Falkender when she was discussing security at Buckingham Palace and the proclivities of Commander Trestrail , the Queen 's personal bodyguard , at the time of Michael Fagan 's entry into the Queen 's bedroom in 1982 .
22 As the image of home became more sentimentalised in the nineteenth century , one 's entry into the world of affairs appeared more threatening and the promptings of prudence suggested deferred gratification .
23 Romania 's entry into the war against Austria at the end of August served only to lengthen Russia 's frontier , laying her open to further attack when Romania collapsed in December 1916 .
24 After Japan 's entry into the war all imports of rubber from the far east were suspended .
25 One of the popular books at the very outbreak of war captured the mood , Mrs Miniver ( 1939 ) ; an American best seller and subsequently a most successful film , it is said that it hastened America 's entry into the war .
26 With the surrender of Germany and Turkey 's entry into the war , it was felt that one phase of our work was done , and that at last we could go home .
27 France 's entry into the Market was a crucial factor in sustaining the growth and modernization of the French economy in the years ahead .
28 An interesting new development is Larne Harbour 's entry into the conference and exhibition market .
29 If born by natural means , the subject 's entry into the UFO will never be imagined as by way of a bright explosion of light ; if born by surgical means , the entry will never be by transport along a tube or tunnel .
30 He is also looking forward to Durham 's entry into the county championship this year .
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