Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] and [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 The family solicitor threatened to sue the council for not carrying out the panel 's decision and allowing the children to go home .
2 Merely looking at one 's watch and giving the right time is usually enough to prevent the completely accurate recall of an unfamiliar telephone number .
3 However it ca n't just be bolted on to the tractor , and Mr Tomlinson had to spend further hours in the workshop matching it to the tractor 's backend and getting the gearing right .
4 He closed the door again with a soft click , shutting out the room 's light and plunging the hallway back into blackness .
5 He came wearing his purple confessor 's stole and carrying the little box of sacred oils for the anointing of the dying .
6 Other patients who have the same unconscious impulses to engage in oral sex — for example , an adult male or female who is married and dreams he or she is sucking a man 's penis and imbibing the semen — may deny the impulses .
7 He was shooting cocaine into a woman 's vein and watching the women perform sex acts for him .
8 Women , because of the nurturing and caring roles allocated to them , the responsibility they are given for the well-being and happiness of children and of men , are much more likely to be taught the value of submitting to one 's fate and considering the needs of others before their own .
9 The Chinese say that regular practice can increase the elasticity of the lung and heart tissues , thus improving the lung 's capacity and increasing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide .
10 CD reintroduces Pickwick , not very happily , in Master Humphrey 's Clock , where he is represented as joining Master Humphrey 's circle and supplying the story of Will Marks .
11 Step 5 CAPTION- Change the icon pixel by pixel by choosing colours from the Editor 's palette and using the mouse to apply them .
12 The bill , put forward on de Klerk 's initiative and covering the crimes of members of the security forces and the police as well as political prisoners , had been described during the parliamentary debate as a " charter for crooks , criminals and assassins " .
13 We will seek to reverse the unacceptable decline in Britain 's merchant navy and encourage the greater use of British-owned and crewed vessels , adding to Britain 's security and reducing the cost to our balance of payments .
14 This training , quite different from the acquisition of knowledge , skill and technique which makes up education today , will be directed towards the understanding of one 's self and releasing the unique potential of each person .
15 One of them moved slowly in , deftly reaching into Manville 's jacket and removing the shoulder-holstered automatic that the detectors had pinpointed .
16 The Department of Energy will be wound up and two new Cabinet posts created : a minister responsible for the Citizen 's Charter and reforming the civil service , and a new department responsible for broadcasting , the arts , sport , the national heritage and the film industry .
17 Two new Cabinet posts will be created — a minister with responsibility for the Citizen 's Charter and reforming the Civil Service ; and a new department responsible for broadcasting , arts , sport , the film industry and the national heritage .
18 As text is dictated into a headset or lapel microphone , the program is trained to accept the speaker 's accent , analysing the speaker 's voice and displaying the text in a speech window .
19 Begin by stitching the longer length on the left hand side , bringing it under Teddy 's chin and tucking the shorter length under it as it crosses his shoulder .
20 By 1975 , this had all changed : reports , features and editorials now concentrated on protecting the Army 's image and portraying the IRA as ‘ criminals or mindless psychopaths often manipulated by Godfathers behind the scenes ’ ( ibid.:39 ) .
21 In 1988 , offered the honour of taking part in the Lord Mayor of London 's Show and carrying the Burgh Standard , the town of Langholm proudly declined on the grounds that the cherished flag was never displayed other than on Common Riding Day and never left the town , and that ‘ It would be demeaning for the Principals to take part in a ‘ fancy dress ’ parade' .
22 But there is little point , for instance , in turning on an artistic , enlightened medieval king because he also enjoyed slaughtering hundreds of deer in a day 's hunt and daubing the fresh blood on his own face and those of his friends .
23 Crying out " " Who dare disowne the Pretender ? ! " " … drinking Dr Sacheverell 's health and insulting the Meeting House " .
24 They did so , in detail , each supplementing the other 's account and refreshing the other 's memory .
25 Eventually , submitting to James Coleridge 's persuasion and recognizing the peculiar circumstances , the authorities decided on another solution , though one of which the Coleridge family evidently remained unaware .
26 Furthermore it was suggested to her mother that Kim 's activity and feeding the baby always took place in the same room so that her mother could provide verbal prompts and on-going comments .
27 She did not share Antonia 's interest in dissecting last week 's date and plotting the next .
28 ‘ A little family misunderstanding , ’ continued Marco , taking the cop 's forearm and pressing the chip into place .
29 Research is simply a matter of defining one 's problem and selecting the appropriate tool or method for that problem .
30 He mentioned the ‘ war games ’ : such as the capturing of a fire-engine ; the cutting of telephone wires ; the jape of climbing unseen into a baker 's van and reconnoitring the town as the baker innocently made his rounds ; and penetrating the docks and going to sleep on a submarine .
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