Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] and [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The family solicitor threatened to sue the council for not carrying out the panel 's decision and allowing the children to go home .
2 Parents like to see the headteacher 's initials on their child 's reading card , they appreciate that the head is taking a personal interest in their child 's progress and keeping a general eye on activities in classrooms .
3 Merely looking at one 's watch and giving the right time is usually enough to prevent the completely accurate recall of an unfamiliar telephone number .
4 However it ca n't just be bolted on to the tractor , and Mr Tomlinson had to spend further hours in the workshop matching it to the tractor 's backend and getting the gearing right .
5 He closed the door again with a soft click , shutting out the room 's light and plunging the hallway back into blackness .
6 He came wearing his purple confessor 's stole and carrying the little box of sacred oils for the anointing of the dying .
7 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
8 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
9 Other patients who have the same unconscious impulses to engage in oral sex — for example , an adult male or female who is married and dreams he or she is sucking a man 's penis and imbibing the semen — may deny the impulses .
10 He was shooting cocaine into a woman 's vein and watching the women perform sex acts for him .
11 Women , because of the nurturing and caring roles allocated to them , the responsibility they are given for the well-being and happiness of children and of men , are much more likely to be taught the value of submitting to one 's fate and considering the needs of others before their own .
12 The Chinese say that regular practice can increase the elasticity of the lung and heart tissues , thus improving the lung 's capacity and increasing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide .
13 In the end , said , ‘ it 's all about getting to know the client 's business and having a partner assigned to that client whose job it is to know it and what it does or does not want ’ .
14 CD reintroduces Pickwick , not very happily , in Master Humphrey 's Clock , where he is represented as joining Master Humphrey 's circle and supplying the story of Will Marks .
15 Step 5 CAPTION- Change the icon pixel by pixel by choosing colours from the Editor 's palette and using the mouse to apply them .
16 The bill , put forward on de Klerk 's initiative and covering the crimes of members of the security forces and the police as well as political prisoners , had been described during the parliamentary debate as a " charter for crooks , criminals and assassins " .
17 We will seek to reverse the unacceptable decline in Britain 's merchant navy and encourage the greater use of British-owned and crewed vessels , adding to Britain 's security and reducing the cost to our balance of payments .
18 This training , quite different from the acquisition of knowledge , skill and technique which makes up education today , will be directed towards the understanding of one 's self and releasing the unique potential of each person .
19 One of them moved slowly in , deftly reaching into Manville 's jacket and removing the shoulder-holstered automatic that the detectors had pinpointed .
20 He saw him in his mind 's eye , running through the wood wearing Uncle Walter 's helmet and firing a make-believe gun at the spy planes .
21 Jilly and the band in mini-skirts and sandals led the patrol , Nigel came next wearing a fireman 's helmet and carrying a stuffed bird on a stick , then the lads in a variety of truncated nightgowns and horse brasses jangled their way down the hill .
22 Kaptan was wearing a plastic G I 'S helmet and putting a roll of caps into a toy gun .
23 The Department of Energy will be wound up and two new Cabinet posts created : a minister responsible for the Citizen 's Charter and reforming the civil service , and a new department responsible for broadcasting , the arts , sport , the national heritage and the film industry .
24 Two new Cabinet posts will be created — a minister with responsibility for the Citizen 's Charter and reforming the Civil Service ; and a new department responsible for broadcasting , arts , sport , the film industry and the national heritage .
25 Oliver wondered what the connection was between playing at stealing from the old gentleman 's pocket and becoming a great man .
26 ‘ Lunch wo n't be long , ’ said Bernice , sitting down on the edge of Billy 's bed and letting a hand stray over the duvet .
27 Instead of spending most of his time shooting game and striding about in the parks of his estate , he should have stopped Spencer from ruining Thomas Grenfell 's life and casting a shadow on Craig 's own business .
28 Simple — Bauhaus doing an OTT version of ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ after being introduced by a slightly bemused Jimmy Saville , John Lydon wearing a vicar 's collar and playing a violin , Robert Smith and Iggy Pop 's fascinating attempts at lip-synching , wee Claire Grogan flashing her polka dot undies at the randy cameramen , Sir Bob Geldof mutilating John and Olivia … and of course , the godlike , awesome , seminal appearance of the Smurfs ! ! !
29 As text is dictated into a headset or lapel microphone , the program is trained to accept the speaker 's accent , analysing the speaker 's voice and displaying the text in a speech window .
30 Begin by stitching the longer length on the left hand side , bringing it under Teddy 's chin and tucking the shorter length under it as it crosses his shoulder .
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