Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 This arises from the fact that unemployment or underemployment will reduce the household 's income and constrain the demand for goods .
2 Unlikely as it may seem now , it was Evelyn Waugh who came to Wilson 's defence and acknowledged the brilliance and aptness of the book 's main conceit , which — given the turn of events in Eastern and Central Europe — is apropos once more .
3 Testing of children has always legitimately had separate purposes : diagnostic — to enable the teacher to calibrate their own assessment of a child 's difficulty and judge the next best line for development ; setting of tests to establish mastery of a particular piece of learning when of concept , skill or information ; and standardised to set one 's own information against some comparators .
4 ‘ I would encourage every woman running a Merseyside-based business , whether as a director or a manager , to enter this year 's award and get the recognition they deserve . ’
5 The skimming process removes vitamin A from cow 's milk and reduces the calorie content .
6 ‘ The Secretary-General had a word with the hospital 's administrator who reluctantly agreed to make an exception in the Colonel 's case and waive the normal visiting hours .
7 And they kill from spite : they despise the colour of another 's skin and resent the way another worships God .
8 The family solicitor threatened to sue the council for not carrying out the panel 's decision and allowing the children to go home .
9 The plaintiff vendors sought to set aside the expert 's decision and to have the court decide the matter , but the defendant purchasers said that the plaintiffs could not do that because the contract bound them to accept the expert 's decision .
10 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
11 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
12 Eventually this deepened below the random of Fleming 's Level and rendered the pumping and winding sump at the intersection obsolete .
13 Merely looking at one 's watch and giving the right time is usually enough to prevent the completely accurate recall of an unfamiliar telephone number .
14 Three High Court judges sitting as Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn dismissed her appeal against the tribunal 's finding but varied the sentence to one of suspension for five years .
15 On 15 May 1660 Willys was condemned but pardoned , on condition of never again coming into the king 's presence or entering the verges of the court .
16 In any event , the grant of an option to renew may depress the value of the landlord 's reversion and reduce the number of potential purchasers of it since the plans of a purchaser who wishes to redevelop or to occupy the property for the purposes of his own business may be frustrated by the exercise of the option .
17 This can threaten the best interests of conservation of both the natural and the built environment , undermine the quality of the visitor 's experience and jeopardise the standard of life of the indigenous communities .
18 One spring Saturday morning he bounded down the path by Albert Piggott 's cottage and gained the path leading to Dotty 's and finally to Lulling Woods .
19 The defendants entered the plaintiff 's cottage and removed the plaintiff and his furniture using reasonable force .
20 With a lot of effort she finally managed to close the left-hand door and bolt it into place , then pushed the arm against the dead man 's chest and forced the other door over , sliding the remains of a file through two loops where the handles had once been to keep it shut .
21 He placed them firmly on the man 's chest and pressed the buttons .
22 After six o'clock , when the cheap rate had started , Karen King let herself out of the side door of Aunt Jane 's bungalow and walked the quarter of a mile to the public call box .
23 But at the first sign of a pressure sore , inform the patient 's GP and consult the district nurse .
24 Its function is basically to cover a woman 's hair and hide the shape of her breasts but it can be worn in a variety of ways , draped round the top half of her body and head , folded over her chest and hanging over her shoulders or loosely placed round her neck .
25 When Izzie did not come to fluff out Gabriel 's hair and tie the laces of his shirt before the performance , he thought she must be angry with him and he was sorry .
26 Let's get the message over , let's go without one congress and I know that 's near to John 's heart and request the other unions , A E U , U C A T , T N G , request the T N , T U C to do the same and then plaster over every bus in Britain , the G M B's policy .
27 A giant Worm on Monument Hill ; a giant Worm somehow feeding off hatred and able to use its power to link up with the Glory 's computer and turn the car into its servant .
28 ‘ I have come to restore Lebanon 's unity and extend the sovereignty of the government over Lebanese territory .
29 ‘ I have come to restore Lebanon 's unity and extend the sovereignty of the government over Lebanese territory .
30 However it ca n't just be bolted on to the tractor , and Mr Tomlinson had to spend further hours in the workshop matching it to the tractor 's backend and getting the gearing right .
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