Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The international community 's response took various forms .
2 Adil Carcani Chairman ( Prime Minister ) Pali Miska Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Agriculture Hekuran Isai Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Internal Affairs Reis Malile Foreign Affairs Kico Mustaqi People 's Defence Bujar Kolaneci Chairman of the State Planning Commission Simon Stefani Chairman of the State Control Commission Andrea Nako Finance Besnik Bekteshi Industry and Mining ; Energy ( acting ) Bashkim Sykaj Light Industry Ylli Bufi Foodstuff Industry Ismail Ahmeti Construction Hajredin Celiku Transport Pajtim Ajazi Domestic Trade Shane Korbeci Foreign Trade ( vacant ) Public Services Skenda Gjinushi Education Ahmet Kamberi Health Service Enver Halile Justice Farudin Hoxha Minister to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers Niko Gjyzari Minister , General Secretary of the Council of Ministers
3 ‘ It 's a shocking situation , and I am spending every single minute of every single day and every last dollar of my father 's money to correct this evil . ’
4 If Mr. Collins had sought to base an argument on the omission from the rules which I have characterised as unfair , we should have had to consider whether the opportunity given to Winchester on 6 November 1990 to make representations to Lautro 's board rectified this defect .
5 Dilwyn Bowles 's hernia appeared last September after he fell over a kitchen chair .
6 Hadleigh 's winner came eight minutes before the end when Keys set up the chance for Smith to score his second with a shot on the run .
7 Sylvester 's text considers these factors and balances them against the feebleness with which Magritte might execute dull repetitions of his more popular compositions .
8 Income support rise ‘ derisory ’ : This week 's rise takes many pensioners back to where they were 18 months ago , Sue Fieldman reports
9 Mr Wu then enlisted Mr Zhao 's support to clear bureaucratic obstacles to his risky brainchild , a 186-mile tollway linking Hong Kong with Canton and the special economic zone of Shenzhen .
10 In the heart of the Disney complex there are three championship courses , the Magnolia , the Palm and Lake Buena Vista , as well as a beginner 's course called Wee Links .
11 The basic chef 's course lasts 19 weeks ( shortened for those already holding City & Guilds 706 ) , covers fundamental culinary skills and is open to 18–25 year olds .
12 The prosecution 's case lasted five months , after which the jury was sent away for 75 days , partly for a holiday and partly while the judge heard legal arguments .
13 The various versions of Goody 's case comprise major characteristics of what I term the ‘ autonomous ’ model .
14 Father Wright said : ‘ It takes , perhaps , a special sort of leadership on the priest 's part to draw young people into the larger parish community .
15 Having spoken , the monk undergoes a physical reaction to the utterance of his salacious thoughts of the wife being exercised , sexually , in bed : This response to his own thought and speech on the monk 's part creates another novelty within this fabliau : a character who assumes a role parallel to that of a real reader outside the text ; a listener to and responder to a text and its implications , and what is more a reader who indulges in an interpretation of the text of his thoughts as pornographic , i.e. capable of exciting vicarious , erotic sensation .
16 Ross , for one , fully endorsed the doctrine of the naturalistic fallacy , but he held that it was a bad mistake on Moore 's part to define such expressions as ‘ right ’ , ‘ wrong ’ , ‘ ought ’ ’ obligatory' by way of ‘ good ’ .
17 As a result of this increase in sales , and caution on the company 's part following financial difficulties during 1990 and 1991 , research and development expenditure has now fallen to approximately 4% of turnover , or £1.5m .
18 Outstanding among those contributions are his Math Vab Mathonwy ( 1928 ) and Rhiannon ( 1953 ) which , in spite of some evident shortcomings , particularly a failure on the author 's part to make sufficient use of the comparative method , testify to Gruffydd 's originality of mind , his general perceptiveness , and his clarity of exposition .
19 Unless a Christian 's faith includes this level of understanding , he is short-changing himself .
20 Anna 's sister has this message for him .
21 The idea that the theist must be certain of God 's existence deserves careful consideration .
22 Rachel 's skin turned dusky gold .
23 Rumens 's play has similar concerns , though they are rather less delicately expressed .
24 Caryl Churchill 's play sets individual achievement against all women 's struggle against oppression .
25 ‘ Now it 'll take all Wings Balsdon 's tact to get any parcels issued before next Monday . ’
26 Mrs Mary Dowson , prosecuting for Middlesborugh Borough Council , said last October 's inspection revealed dirty walls , floors and ceilings and corroded equipment .
27 Though the technique employed in The Dear Deceit represents a laying-bare of traditional narrative devices without offering an alternative approach , it sets the stage for the more radical break with the conventions of realism which Brooke-Rose 's fiction demonstrated four years later .
28 The tough talk seemed at odds , however , with some recent US policies , including President Clinton 's decision to continue favourable trade benefits for China for at least another year , and the United Nations ' own treatment of Tibet 's exiled Dalai Lama .
29 The GMB union claimed today the industrial tribunal 's decision revealed double standards .
30 LABOUR 'S Barry Jones protested in the Commons last night at British Aerospace 's decision to sell Corporate Jets , of Broughton .
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