Example sentences of "a [noun pl] approach " in BNC.

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1 The potential for a KBS approach to complex avionic component fault diagnostics via the use of limited but similar reasoning approaches to those adopted by experienced service engineers has great potential in the provision of intelligent support to equipment diagnostics .
2 On the other hand they could see little merit in a policy based upon a rules approach , since rules are inevitably arbitrary and lacking in any underlying economic logic .
3 Brief reference to two examples of natural hazards may illustrate the potential relevance of a GIS approach , applications of which are considered below .
4 There can be little doubt that a GIS approach has wide applicability in all sorts of location problems where the goal is to minimize ( rather than , as conventionally , maximize ) accessibility to a population .
5 These include snow and ice hazards , where impacts on transport and the need to plan road salting or gritting strategies are obvious ( see Perry et al. 1986 for the beginnings of a GIS approach ) .
6 Meanwhile a woman who adopts a kairos approach is to see herself as one whom God has now deigned to choose , and privileged at that .
7 For such people a systems approach is not a bad idea ’
8 Developing a systems approach
9 Robert Robbins and Mary Hemenway have compiled a set of practical experiments in Modern Astronomy : An Activities Approach .
10 Upon reaching Tarbes as forecast , the cloud base was around 600 to 800 feet and we had to fly an ILS approach .
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