Example sentences of "a [det] moment " in BNC.

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1 Like Isobel , they were what they looked , quiet people doing very necessary jobs and a that moment grieving for one of their number who had left them .
2 ‘ Can you hang on here for a few moments ? ’
3 A few moments later , he returned with a mug of coffee and placed it in front of me .
4 Neither of us spoke for a few moments , then she asked : ‘ Do you mind if I stay here for a little while ? ’
5 A few moments later she came back to me .
6 On a windy day , more care is usually taken , but even then a few moments ' inattention , or the wrong drill , can result in the glider being blown over and written off .
7 After coming to a stop with the glider facing into wind , holding the tail down is the worst possible thing , and even leaving the nose unattended for a few moments is dangerous .
8 It is also undesirable because , if the glider is bounced off by bumpy ground , it will fly back into the ground heavily a few moments later .
9 If you give yourself a shake , change your seating position slightly , open the clear vision panel for some fresh air , change hands on the stick for a few moments and have a sweet or drink , you can snap out of it and start to work normally again .
10 For this reason I always emphasise that if , as you complete the final turn , you are happy that you have got the field ‘ made ’ , you should always open full airbrake for a few moments to check that you would undershoot with that setting .
11 He lay on his back for a few moments as he always did , then turned onto his right side , arranging himself as if for sleep .
12 I replaced the blanket over his head and stood for a few moments looking at the bodies in their neat little rows .
13 He turned away for a few moments and I could see that he was upset by the news .
14 The woman and three children were now laughing and I was pleased about that , as they had looked scared stiff when I entered their house a few moments before .
15 I lay on the ground for a few moments ; there were no further explosions .
16 He was silent for a few moments , then he raised his head , took a couple of gulps of tea and remarked very slowly , Jesus Christ , Piper , you must be bloody bomb happy !
17 I stood on the fringe of the little group for a few moments waiting for a chance to speak to Lovat .
18 I just stood and stared for a few moments amid all the activity that was going on around the wounded Lovat .
19 The talking went on for a few moments then the sudden , all too familiar , sound of a mortar bomb leaving the barrel .
20 Just before we packed up and got aboard the truck , I piped up and down the beach for a few moments .
21 The driver stopped the jeep outside the Saulnier farm for a few moments to say goodbye to the farmer , a very good friend to the Commandos , especially No. 6 Commando .
22 We sat in the jeep for a few moments watching the column as it disappeared along the very dusty road , and was soon out of sight , after passing Sulnier 's farm .
23 As I settled down in the straw-filled barn that I had left a few moments ago in search of food , I looked around at the now sleeping Frenchman , stretched out in the straw .
24 The train stopped at Spean Bridge for a few moments , the platform was almost deserted .
25 They would have the fire brigade round in a few moments if the external noise had been as loud as the internal one .
26 After a few moments she was saying very natural and quite irritable ‘ ouches ’ when Phoebe prodded too hard .
27 ABOVE : Ben Weaver hooked this 19 lb 2 oz specimen in the nick of time — a few moments later gale force winds made fishing impossible .
28 After a few moments we realize why .
29 I 'd like to take a few moments of your time …
30 Yet their death by chainsaw took only a few moments .
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