Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [to-vb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 In an epistemological parable , ‘ The Man who looked into the Future ’ , Allen Wheelis describes a man 's attempts to escape from the fluidity of the present and imprint value on his life .
2 Western Sahara was divided between Morocco and Mauritania under a 1975 treaty following Spain 's decision to withdraw from a region which it had controlled since the 19th century [ see pp. 27575-77 ] .
3 BASIC DATA Controlled by Spain since the 19th century , Western Sahara was divided between Morocco and Mauritania under the tripartite Madrid agreement of 1975 following Spain 's decision to withdraw from the territory ( see pp. 27575-77 ) .
4 On June 24 a group of seven reformers — including Damanaki , who had resisted Papariga 's decision to withdraw from the Alliance — had been suspended from the KKE 's central committee .
5 The government 's decision to withdraw from the contract was felt to be a major reason behind his departure .
6 The British Government said yesterday it was deeply concerned at North Korea 's decision to withdraw from the treaty , saying the move cast doubt on Pyongyang 's long-term nuclear intentions .
7 BIIBA has now made a strong complaint to Fimbra about the latter 's decision to withdraw from an agreement made on 18 September which would have allowed BIIBA members , who held existing professional indemnity cover , to renew their existing policies .
8 Keith Cardwell 's decision to move from the world of commercial photography into the more demanding , and typically less lucrative , area of documentary photography can be almost directly attributed to a TV series , a BBC 1 documentary called The Family .
9 But the Bogomolov kite shows the change since 1956 , when what finally provoked the Russians was the Nagy government 's intention to withdraw from the Warsaw pact .
10 Stroud ( 1984 , ch. 2 ) considers a similar argument against the sceptic 's attempt to generalize from the fact that we do not know we are not brains in a vat .
11 Meanwhile there was comment in the Sunday Times about Pearson 's standing to benefit from a large pension fund surplus at Thames TV , such surpluses being a controversial issue in company accounting and takeovers .
12 On the recent Feast of the Immaculate Conception , at the celebration at Sacred Heart , Moreton , Canon Healey announced that the Bishop has appointed Mrs Mary McDermott as President of Lourdes Hospitality , following Edgar Candlish 's request to retire from the office .
13 In the abbey church of St Hilary in Poitiers where , four years earlier , Earl Patrick of Salisbury had been buried , he took his seat in the abbot 's chair to receive from the hands of the Archbishop of Bordeaux and the Bishop of Poitiers the sacred lance and banner which were the insignia of the ducal office .
14 Croft took a year 's sabbatical to recover from a string of niggling injuries and is now raring to go again .
15 Early in the second half it was Aberdeen 's turn to score from the spot through substitute Joe Miller after Richard Gough tugged Scott Booth 's jersey .
16 It would clearly be impracticable for all of a party 's members to foregather from every corner of a region to select and rank its list candidates , so it is sometimes suggested that American style primaries should be held for this purpose .
17 One Christian contributor writes of this , ‘ It produces a rapid expansion of one 's ability to act from a deeper level of consciousness .
18 It fell ill , unknown to the family , and as it was mid-winter it crawled under a neighbour 's balcony to escape from the cold , where it expired .
19 This settlement was not made any more secure by the Allies ' decision to withdraw from the area in June , a move strongly questioned by some of the forces involved .
20 The Crown Prosecution Service were informed of Buckley J. 's order and of the plaintiffs ' intention to appeal from the decision of Wright J. , and were asked whether they wished to intervene or make representations in the appeal .
21 In February 1990 the National Federation of Workers ' Unions of Benin ( Union nationale des syndicats des travailleurs du Bénin — UNSTB ) was weakened by the decision of the postal and telecommunications workers ' union to split from the UNSTB and declare itself autonomous ( the second defection after that of the Higher Education Union in August 1989 ) .
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