Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 After some prompting , the defendant gave the police his name and address , and then at his mother 's prompting began to leave the scene , using foul language as he went .
2 By mid-1863 , therefore , the regime had given several indications that its interest in remodelling the state 's institutions had survived the shock of emancipating the serfs .
3 John and Maureen took their first-ever fortnight 's holiday in their 16 years in the Harrow and returned to be told the Benskin 's board had rejected the plan to turn the pub over to management .
4 Special considerations : the appellant 's counsel had informed the sentencer that the appellant was prepared to sell his house to raise the funds to pay compensation , and that the house was subject to an offer to purchase which would leave the appellant with an equity of almost £17,000 .
5 However , by February 1991 the idea of bringing the WEU within the EC 's orbit had gained the approval of WEU Secretary-General van Eekelen , and NATO Secretary-General Manfred Wörner ( Germany ) had also welcomed an increased EC involvement .
6 While Smart 's contemporaries failed to appreciate the sublimity of his Song to David , later critics have signally failed to agree on its construction and Smart 's own note of explanation does not quite match the case .
7 The Authority 's proposals had involved the imposition of import controls and production quotas .
8 Then a formation of Fif 's mandroids shouldered thought the throng , and I followed in their wake .
9 In the worst rioting of Bongo 's 23-year rule , angry protesters demanding Bongo 's resignation attempted to storm the presidential residence , setting fire to buildings in the capital .
10 Michele 's fingers moved to hold the warmth of her nape and his mouth covered hers .
11 Norton 's Coin had won the Cheltenham Gold Cup .
12 Since the beginning of the year , Germany 's enemies had penetrated the borders of the Reich in east and west .
13 Some 200 Azerbaijan Popular Front fighters occupied the Interior Ministry and the television centre after the republic 's parliament refused to endorse the appointment .
14 The group 's chairman had visited the North in January .
15 The electronic wizardry of Grumman 's JSTARS helped turn the land battle for Kuwait into a ‘ turkey shoot ’ .
16 Tony 's GP had prescribed the medication for his sleeping difficulties , but he had only taken it on two occasions , finding the tablets to be of little help .
17 Miranda 's heart had looped the loop as she happily accepted an invitation to lunch at Rules , his favourite restaurant .
18 ‘ He suggested it could have died another way , ’ Small recalls , ‘ so I took out a knife , skinned it on his desk , and showed him where the fox 's teeth had punctured the flesh . ’
19 It said it could n't understand why the British Amateur Weight Lifter 's Association had reached the decision not to take action against the two weighlifters .
20 By 1542 , Henry 's fear had become the dominant emotion and he ordered Parliament to legislate against those who used incantations and practices of sorcery aimed at killing or injuring people , or destroying their goods and chattels .
21 If Ludo 's club had reached the spieler 's head it would have caved his skull in .
22 Since the UndergrounD Group took over , the Company 's cars had carried the statutory lettering at the bottom of the rocker panel , but had displayed no badge or fleet name .
23 The thought provoking verses of the songs and Sister 's words served to challenge the ministers to be open to meeting Christ in the daily situation of life .
24 It was many years since the assassin 's eyes had taken the pleasure they did now , seeing him .
25 Yet , despite the financially less favoured position granted to those areas of the curriculum which are not perceived as ‘ national priorities ’ , every LEA surveyed in the writer 's research had established the arts as a local priority , and assigned funds to support it .
26 Some of the more profound patterns which Dr O'Connor 's research uncovered debunk the myth that savants rely on photographic memories .
27 Even more crucially , the TUC 's tactics had turned the press against them and provoked the opposition of the nurses ' negotiators .
28 In the famous debates between the Levellers and the army leaders , principally Cromwell and Ireton , at Putney in the autumn of 1647 , the Levellers argued that those who had fought on Parliament 's side had earned the right to be enfranchised : " if ever a people shall free themselves from tyranny , certainly it is after seven years ' war and fighting for their liberty , " said Maximilian Petty .
29 Luther 's solafidianism had implied the doctrine of predestination , but had not explicitly asserted it .
30 A coalition of nearly 50 civil rights , Hispanic , black and women 's organizations had opposed the nomination of Judge Kenneth L. Ryskamp of Miami , on the grounds of his alleged hostility to minorities .
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