Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [art] [num ord] time " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
2 And if I possibly can , I 'm going to stop you wrecking Julius 's life a second time . ’
3 At Mauve 's studio the next time it came spilling out .
4 It happened that I called at Beatrice 's house the last time Aunt Nessy visited there — the time before she was banished .
5 you know and Yvonne , erm and Yvonne 's daughters the last time I went and this is how I and Yvonne come to know each
6 However , he said that he himself could not prescribe it , and it would all depend on the Christie consultant 's view the next time we saw him .
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