Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [noun sg] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A month or so ago I sat in an excessively warm room listening to a gentleman from Intel 's processor division telling the invited audience of dealers and journalists that 1992 would see a boom in 486 sales similar to the boom in 386 bought about by Windows .
2 Still Price : Lintas is thought to have won the Adams children 's wear account following a pitch against Advertising Principles and KHBB .
3 A review and analysis of SSAP 15 was carried out by a working party of the institute 's research committee following a request from the Accounting Standards Board .
4 One of the robbers jumped onto the young woman 's car bonnet brandishing an imitation gun .
5 There were difficulties here and there , but they were easily solved : " The Stone grids in the Garden beneath the windows of the Head Master 's Dwelling House allowing the escape of an Effluvium from the Main Sewer were ordered to be rectified " in June 1862 ; and a year later the Trustees heard from the Headmaster : " that in order to provide for the comfort of the Trustees at their meetings , I am obliged to leave my Study , my only sitting room , without a chair " .
6 The decision to initiate the award scheme was taken by the BMC 's management committee following the recommendation of its training advisory group .
7 The 1991 election was fought largely on the issue of tax reform , with Pálsson 's Independence Party favouring a general reduction of rates of taxation which Hermannsson 's Progressive Party dismissed as " irresponsible " .
8 The voluminous Extel archives , giving a unique insight into Victorian journalists ' news-gathering methods ( and expenses claims ) are now in London 's Guildhall Library awaiting a researcher .
9 The government 's cartoon publicity telling the British public to ask ‘ Sid ’ made its point .
10 A COUNCIL is to make an old people 's home safe following the discovery of dangerous faults .
11 Coach quits AMERICAN Kevin Cadle has resigned as England men 's basketball coach following the team 's failure to qualify for the 1993 European Championship finals .
12 About 1,200 delegates , representing the government , political parties , professional and labour bodies and farming and nomadic communities , attended the conference , which had been transferred to Niamey 's sports centre following the collapse of the main roof of the city 's conference centre the previous day .
13 Finally , local trading standards officials in Oxfordshire are urging parents to be on their guard against a children 's chemistry set containing a potentially lethal substance .
14 A letter had been received from Perin 's Community School asking the council 's reaction to the possible building of a small swimming pool , approximately 8 by 12 metres , which would serve both the school and the local population .
15 The first on Tyneside was syndicalist , organized around shop-stewards in engineering and the shipyards with lodge officials and the activists of the Seaman 's Reform Movement playing a similar role in mining and shipping .
16 The last thing I remember is Matt The Tube from Jim Rose 's Circus Sideshow getting a loud cheer as he pulled a straw from his nose with a pair of pliers .
17 The news sent the Anglo-French group 's share price plunging a further 40p to close at 528p .
18 Members of LASMO 's CIS group visiting an oilfield in Western Siberia
19 The man , pictured in yesterday 's Sunday Mirror wearing a thick black false beard , also claims he was paid only a few thousand pounds from the massive haul and is now broke .
20 A puzzle war looks set to break out in the women 's magazine market following the launch of IPC 's Puzzle Weekly this week .
21 Further down the street was Young 's Timber Yard having a narrow entrance under the bedrooms of adjoining houses which made deliveries difficult .
22 FOREIGN media groups are expected to mount a major assault on Britain 's television industry following the publication of proposed broadcasting legislation which removes constraints on European takeovers and investments .
23 The move follows protest action by Greenpeace , which had prevented Hyundai 's logging barge leaving the port of Svetlaya to take timber to Japan .
24 She had barely skimmed over the last few paragraphs of information , used to Debbie 's ridiculous ideas about a person 's birth sign giving a clue to his character , but now the temptation to find out proved too great .
25 Lincolnshire 's pilot scheme giving a group of seven pilot secondary schools control over teacher staffing .
26 Decked out in a specially selected volume ten fright shirt , Clint sits backstage at Helsinki 's Tavastia club inspecting the cramped , graffiti-covered dressing room .
27 NDT Eagle employees and will join the Company 's training manager enabling the Company to extend their consultancy services and training .
28 The other is a Teacher 's Resource Cassette containing the extension stories and help with presentation techniques .
29 The childen are protected on their journey by members of the rebel SPLA , the Sudan People 's Liberation Army fighting the Sudanese Governments plan to impose Islamic Laws in the south .
30 Avon have withdrawn from the West regional rounds of the NatWest Women 's County Championship following a disappointing turn-out of players and internal problems , writes Cathy Harris .
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