Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Artistically they felt out of their depth here , but when it came to spending the town 's money they knew a lot more than Herr Busacher did .
2 D. A. A friend of mine was posted to a beat in Allerton and one summer 's afternoon he saw a young lad — about fifteen years of age — getting into a car .
3 In Earth 's case it developed a secondary atmosphere through organic evolution , say supporters of the Gaian hypothesis .
4 For NME 's part we offer a celebratory discography , though the many US and Euro Sonic offerings have been omitted in order to keep the listing within the bounds of reason .
5 After Caldwell Lord Roskill in Seymour spoke of a very high risk of death , but he said that in the context of manslaughter caused by a car ( " motor manslaughter " ) in order to distinguish that offence from causing death by reckless driving , or at least such is the construction put on his words in Kong Cheuk Kwan v R , and Lord Roskill did uphold the trial judge 's direction which included a reference to an obvious and serious risk of physical injury .
6 But it was Pearce 's assessment which carried a more convincing argument in favour of Ron Atkinson 's team .
7 If the people of Ulster disagree with any party 's views they have a simple remedy — vote against them .
8 When he heard of his army 's defeat he proclaimed a huge mushroom feast and ordered his shamans to brew up a fresh batch of Mad Cap fungus liquor for the Fanatics .
9 This would replace the present Lord Chancellor 's Department which administers a very substantial budget , but which is not directly accountable to the House of Commons .
10 Then there was the ship 's agent who made a run for it in his car , guessing we would search his house after picking him up with some uncustomed goods .
11 In the woman 's eyes he saw a like recognition and knew his senses did not deceive him .
12 Where it differs from the Mirza Nama is in the richness of the fawning which curdles every sentence : reading Inayat Khan 's chronicle you experience a sensation like drowning under a sea of the sweetest , stickiest honey .
13 On the BBC 's side they retained a further option to wind up any contract after eight weeks if they elected to replace an artist , or if the show was cancelled .
14 Because of the translucent water and the high , rocky , almost petrified appearance of the cave 's formation it added a mysterious uniqueness to the beautiful strains of the music .
15 Well I have to say that as a result of last night 's session I have a much healthier view of Hydro Electric and I do so would I have got that from the programme ?
16 As he stooped to kiss Murad 's feet he drew a poisoned dagger and stabbed the Turkish leader , causing ‘ the illustrious sultan to drink the sherbet of martyrdom ’ .
17 This is particularly true in this area where we have to compete with the Townswomen 's Guild which has a lower subscription and also with numerous Council-run activities , many of which are free or at a low cost for pensioners .
18 Your husband 's wealth he made a will ? ’
19 Just to show I 'm nobody 's fool I contacted a veterinary surgeon and asked him to examine the dog ( who was a year old ) to make sure it was n't sickly , had a leg on each corner , would n't keep toppling over , and had a head fixed on the right end .
20 To a man of Joyce 's stamp it added a degree of humiliation and defeat , in that the wound was not sustained in the course of open battle but as a captive of what he soon called his ‘ sub-human ’ enemy .
21 Many local authorities withdrew or reduced their contributions and for a while Unwin financed the continuation of the Committee 's work himself to publish a Second and final report in March 1933 , which made a more detailed proposal for a narrow green girdle around London .
22 Melchiori in one place actually describes ‘ the I ’ as being ‘ the poet who voices his own feelings ’ , and says that the absence of the I form in some sonnets ‘ is an impediment to the dialogue , to the theatrical quality ’ , which he describes in disappointingly literal terms : ‘ Normally in Shakespeare 's Sonnets we find a truly dramatic dialogue between two characters : the persona of the poet himself ( the speaking I , not the man William Shakespeare ) ’ — a welcome disclaimer ! — ‘ and a ‘ you ’ , the actor playing the role of a lovely boy , a worthy or unworthy mistress , possibly a rival poet' .
23 as if one superlative were not enough for a single day , just across the way from Bill 's place I found a stall serving some unusual flavours of ice-cream .
24 Thanks to Cook 's intervention he got a job on Liberty magazine , and Wilcock began working on its ‘ Screwball ’ column .
25 Thus the disciplinary surveillance of the prison created a new kind of ‘ knowledge ’ of the convict 's body which created a new kind of power .
26 Catherine or St Catherine 's Hill itself constituted a Pandora 's box of small-town trades and occupations at the time : everything from a gingerbread maker to a hairdresser , a staymaker , a breechesmaker , Charles Tucker the coalminer , John Golledge the blind schoolmaster , Mrs Allen at the Castle public house , and even John Ward , who seemed to be able to support himself by practising the noble art of a ‘ horse jockey ’ .
27 During the years of Baldwin 's premierships she appeared a slightly ridiculous figure to the sophisticated young .
28 You did n't have to have the soul of a poet to conjure up what could have been ; in my mind 's eye I had a vision of Templars in their faceless conical helmets , red and white crosses on their black cloaks , moving across the island at the dead of night , the barges being soundlessly poled whilst , at prow and stern , huge cresset torches spluttered and flared in the darkness .
29 In his mind 's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child 's body .
30 In his mind 's eye he sees a girl who has brains ( although he knows that some very dim actresses can read with all the appearance of intelligence , and the converse ) who has a slight resistance to the Hollywoodification of Claudia 's life .
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