Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Adil Carcani Chairman ( Prime Minister ) Pali Miska Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Agriculture Hekuran Isai Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Internal Affairs Reis Malile Foreign Affairs Kico Mustaqi People 's Defence Bujar Kolaneci Chairman of the State Planning Commission Simon Stefani Chairman of the State Control Commission Andrea Nako Finance Besnik Bekteshi Industry and Mining ; Energy ( acting ) Bashkim Sykaj Light Industry Ylli Bufi Foodstuff Industry Ismail Ahmeti Construction Hajredin Celiku Transport Pajtim Ajazi Domestic Trade Shane Korbeci Foreign Trade ( vacant ) Public Services Skenda Gjinushi Education Ahmet Kamberi Health Service Enver Halile Justice Farudin Hoxha Minister to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers Niko Gjyzari Minister , General Secretary of the Council of Ministers
2 In 1278 Pope Nicholas III , dissatisfied with Kilwardby 's attempts to resist secular encroachment and to implement the decisions of the recent Council of Lyons ( 1274 ) , promoted him to be cardinal bishop of Porto and Sta .
3 Serious cinema 's attempts to portray sexual passion have generally succeeded best according to the extent they have ignored this temptation : think of Brando , obese , with straggling grey hair and face plastered with pan-stick , howling obscenities as he floors Maria Schneider ; or Dennis Hopper , jumping on Isabella Rossellini like a mad dog with velvet , scissors , and mask .
4 The case of the seven bishops was an important turning point in the development of events leading up to the Revolution , marking the defeat of James 's attempts to win Nonconformist support for his policies of toleration .
5 Pontypool 's spoiling tactics nullified Llanelli 's attempts to play open rugby with Moon and Stevens , the visitors ' half-backs , constantly under pressure .
6 Nevertheless , Libyans in Kufra and Ajdabiya resented the government 's attempts to secure social justice by altering the permitted range of economic activities , by changing the rules of participation in production and by introducing quantitative limits into the notion of property .
7 These were ( i ) the release of South Korean dissidents imprisoned for making unauthorized visits to the North ; ( ii ) termination of the annual South Korean-US " Team Spirit " military exercises ; and ( iii ) an end to South Korea 's attempts to achieve unilateral entry to the United Nations .
8 Thus , the disclosure that the Government 's attempts to broaden individual share ownership have suffered a setback came on you 've guessed it March 10 .
9 THERE are two big drawbacks to transplant surgery — the propensity of the body 's defences to reject foreign tissue , and the shortage of donors with organs to give .
10 Outstanding among those contributions are his Math Vab Mathonwy ( 1928 ) and Rhiannon ( 1953 ) which , in spite of some evident shortcomings , particularly a failure on the author 's part to make sufficient use of the comparative method , testify to Gruffydd 's originality of mind , his general perceptiveness , and his clarity of exposition .
11 The idea that the theist must be certain of God 's existence deserves careful consideration .
12 Rachel 's skin turned dusky gold .
13 Caryl Churchill 's play sets individual achievement against all women 's struggle against oppression .
14 The tough talk seemed at odds , however , with some recent US policies , including President Clinton 's decision to continue favourable trade benefits for China for at least another year , and the United Nations ' own treatment of Tibet 's exiled Dalai Lama .
15 A priest in Friuli , commenting on the Vatican 's decision to allow non-alcoholic wine at Mass to help priests with an alcohol problem
16 As early as December 1939 , angered by Franco 's decision to declare Spanish neutrality in the European war , a group of radical Falangists had plotted to oust him .
17 In a very low-key , matter-of-fact way he described the meeting in Muldoon 's office and explained Detroit 's decision to eliminate regional management .
18 Dr Owen 's decision to support tactical voting for some Liberal Democrat candidates will surprise senior Conservatives , who had hoped for a simple message of support for Mr Major .
19 In June India finally agreed to restore trade and transit concessions which in March 1989 it had withdrawn , partly in protest at Nepal 's decision to purchase Chinese weaponry .
20 The Prime Minister 's decision to take legal action was given strong support by other Socialists , but criticized by some leading politicians of the centre-right , who argued that it might constitute a restriction of freedom of speech .
21 THE Government 's decision to levy value-added tax on domestic fuel and power has prompted ScottishPower to carry out a review over the next 12 months to determine the possible impact the tax will have on its 1.6 million domestic customers .
22 GRAHAM TAYLOR last night questioned Gary Lineker 's decision to quit international football prematurely .
23 Shamir 's decision to lead Israeli delegation
24 WELFARE groups joined in the condemnation of the Government 's decision to impose value-added tax on fuel bills yesterday by counting the cost in human terms .
25 Kennedy 's inaction may have contributed to Khruschev 's decision to build nuclear missile bases in Cuba the following year .
26 The experiment began with the State Opening of Parliament on 21 November 1989 , and continued right up till the House 's decision to approve permanent televising in July 1990 .
27 The US Secretary of Commerce , Ron Brown , has made an official recommendation to President Clinton that Norway 's decision to resume commercial whaling this year undermines the efforts of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) to conserve stocks .
28 The Prince of Wales 's decision to renew live firing licences on Dartmoor for a further 21 years continues to draw criticism .
29 Tremayne 's vet took small blood samples of all the stable 's runners prior to their last training gallop before they raced , the resulting detailed analysis being able to reveal a whole host of things from a raised lymphocyte count to excreted enzymes due to muscle damage .
30 The purchaser 's solicitors will raise preliminary enquiries with the vendor 's solicitors to obtain general information about the property .
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