Example sentences of "a [adj] relations " in BNC.

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1 A public relations executive , Subba Row was a skilful diplomat accustomed to getting his own way and his methods did not always appeal to some of the county clubs or to the elder statesmen of MCC .
2 THAILAND 'S Foreign Ministry yesterday suffered a public relations fiasco when it failed to produce five Vietnamese soldiers it claimed had been captured inside Cambodia after Hanoi 's much-publicised troop withdrawal from Cambodia last week .
3 For $27,000 ( £16,800 ) , the San Francisco vanity publisher The Sharper Image offers 225-page hardbound corporate histories in limited editions of 100 , for use ‘ as a public relations tool ’ .
4 But this modification may be more of a public relations coup than a genuine therapeutic improvement .
5 The meeting with Mr Terreblanche — ‘ ET ’ as he is popularly known — is seen more as a public relations gesture than a meaningful initiative .
6 His father was a public relations man for Dr Barnardo 's Homes and would chat away and do all that kind of thing , whereas David was very much like his mother in terms of showing affection .
7 In response to the many toasts from his American colleagues he had made a light-hearted speech at dinner , which belied his deep disappointment at being sent back to the States on a Public Relations assignment .
8 The resulting film , Royal Family ( or ‘ Corgi and Beth ’ as it was nicknamed ) , in which , among other things , the Queen was shown cooking the steaks at a barbecue , was revolutionary in its revelations , and considered inside the Palace to have been a public relations triumph .
9 We had barristers and solicitors , merchant bankers , sales and advertising executives , a restaurant manager , researchers , a public relations officer , a textile broker and farmers among the team .
10 A public relations campaign also started up to draw in the waverers .
11 While there has been contraction more recently , New Zealand Railways , almost uniquely , use the magnificence of some of their stations as a public relations and marketing feature .
12 As a public relations man this was my dish , and the campaign to get 1OAB back on the air was right up my street .
13 Could it be that the bureaucrats of primate research saw a way to parlay an admission of poor husbandry into a public relations campaign for the primate centres ?
14 If you have a special skill , such as being a trained accountant , a hairdresser , or even a public relations consultant , there are always charities who can do with an honorary treasurer , an old people 's home that would love some free hairdressing for their residents , or an organisation that needs a brochure or press release written .
15 The motive was to unhinge her completely — to provoke her into making a political miscalculation , such as reintroducing internment , in the hope of reaping a public relations reward .
16 This was the year she finally emerged from her shell to win every round in a public relations battle she was determined should go her way .
17 A PUBLIC relations stunt to prove that Charles and Diana have patched up their troubled marriage backfired last night when it was revealed they will still sleep in separate beds .
18 The Korean tour was a public relations disaster with the highlight clearly being the apparent failure of the prince and princess to acknowledge each other 's presence in public .
19 CHRIS EUBANK has been wasting his money consulting a public relations company to improve his image .
20 All were powered by GE engines and were to formate on a Lear Jet flown by H Clay Lacey for a public relations photographic sortie over the Mojave Desert .
21 A PUBLIC relations adviser to David Mellor tried to stop the Minister 's ex-lover Antonia de Sancha from talking live on TV yesterday .
22 He 's managed to turn a triumph into a public relations disaster .
23 In April 1982 , with the assistance of Hill and Knowlton ( a public relations company ) , the company began publishing a series of brochures entitled R.S. Moves to Weldon .
24 But there is every chance that the Mains methods will work , and that Mains will have the luxury of starting his career with a public relations system between team and media being put into place .
25 The recent announcement that the National Gallery intend to establish a public relations department may improve the situation .
26 DURING THE last 10 years of his life , John Arlott was chairman of Craigie Robertson , a public relations and sponsorship agency .
27 Every employee is the personal representative of the establishment and has a public relations job to do .
28 So it was a public relations effort ?
29 It was partly a public relations effort , and partly an effort to get the voice of the dealers heard .
30 Like other empire-builders , Japan justified her expansion by a public relations rhetoric aimed at making it appear as altruism .
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