Example sentences of "a [noun] approach " in BNC.

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1 At 9.15am Wood made a trial approach with the under carriage down .
2 But right now what is needed is a bottom-up approach ; entrusting the forests to those increasingly organised peoples whose survival has depended for generations on environmental knowledge .
3 However a bottom-up approach ( which always bears in mind the criterion of relevance to land-using decisions leading to environmental deterioration ) will leave many areas of local or national economic analysis aside .
4 In Section One we took a bottom-up approach to discourse , and indeed to language as a whole ( see Figure 8 ) .
5 Is it a top-down or a bottom-up approach , or a mixture ?
6 A top-down approach to language regards all levels of language as a whole , working together , while a bottom-up approach divides communication into discrete levels , which can be dealt with separately .
7 A good deal of language teaching has followed a bottom-up approach , in that it has considered only the formal language system , often in isolated sentences , without demonstrating or developing the way that system operates in context .
8 For the purposes of the current project a bottom-up approach is an obvious one to use .
9 Alternatively the state may be relatively autonomous of the capitalist mode of production , which is appropriate for a functionalist approach .
11 A contingency approach to leadership is one which argues that the ability of a manager to be a leader , and to influence his subordinate work group , depends on the particular situation , and will vary from case to case .
12 Handy has also suggested a contingency approach to leadership .
13 by differentiation : the organisation employs different structures with different cultures , in separate parts of the organisation , using a contingency approach — ie. choosing the most suitable structure for each particular situation :
14 Thus the development of the mix to meet conditions at a particular point or period in time is essentially a contingency approach to marketing management .
15 Now clearly a teaching approach which goes against the grain of natural disposition will create needless difficulties for the learner , as I pointed out earlier in reference to translation and the focusing on form , but it does not follow that pedagogy must therefore simply accommodate that disposition .
16 Grouping children was an organizational device as much as a teaching approach , a way of maximizing the opportunities for productive teacher-child interaction as well as a means of encouraging cooperation among the children and flexibility in curriculum .
17 Many health authorities claim to have adopted a TQM approach to quality improvement , and the DOH funded 17 pilot sites from 1989 with more added later .
18 The potential for a KBS approach to complex avionic component fault diagnostics via the use of limited but similar reasoning approaches to those adopted by experienced service engineers has great potential in the provision of intelligent support to equipment diagnostics .
19 In the past a deficit approach has been used to construct developmental theories where the missing parts in the subgroup 's culture can be added .
20 On the other hand they could see little merit in a policy based upon a rules approach , since rules are inevitably arbitrary and lacking in any underlying economic logic .
21 But the manufacturers claim that the insurers are still using a blanket approach which does not take full account of differences between models , and improvements they have introduced .
22 The new initiatives of the left made a start by identifying strategic sectors of the economy in which to intervene , rather than adopting a blanket approach to all firms in their area — but the problem was that the local authorities were still geographically limited .
23 While these comparisons consider visual features , and the human literature suggests that at this stage visual information is not involved ( Evett and Humphreys , 1981 ) , Hull 's considerations have led him to adopt a neighbourhood approach which is also suggested by the cognitive science literature ( Hull , 1986 ) .
24 SucH communities might provide a basis for a neighbourhood approach to management , or for some development of the parish council concept ( Boaden et al .
25 The health service members ( principally community mental handicap nurses and therapists ) were almost an exact mirror image — they concentrated on a casework approach — although there is some slight hint in Table 3 of a shift towards more service development activities over time .
26 In London , the Charity Organization Society ( COS ) did pioneer work in developing a casework approach to the families who came to it for aid , helping them to solve their problems and help themselves rather than become dependent on charitable funds .
27 Is such an event appropriate for a process timescale or more pertinent to a chronology approach ?
28 Formatting to the rear of the Rallye , Legg established radio contact , and gently eased Anderson through a series of power adjustments and manoeuvres to make a practice approach at Cardiff before bringing him around for a successful , damage- and injury-free landing .
29 From the favourable comments on the presence of photographs and artefacts in exhibitions , it is clear that the public likes ( and now expects ) a multi-media approach to exhibitions .
30 Brief reference to two examples of natural hazards may illustrate the potential relevance of a GIS approach , applications of which are considered below .
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