Example sentences of "and wait for " in BNC.

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1 Speak to the entire galaxy and wait for replies .
2 If you can not be sure of handling the glider safely , turn it out of the wind , hold the wing down and wait for help .
3 I just hang round the entrance and wait for her .
4 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
5 America will win , it is thought , and win handily enough that it will not want to withdraw from Asia : so China , Japan , whoever , should pursue its own interests and wait for things to return to normal .
6 The ticket hall had one of those systems where you take a number from a machine by the door and wait for it to appear above one of the ticket windows .
7 They have heavy bodies , and sit and wait for prey to come to them , striking with unerring accuracy and speed at any small mammal as it passes .
8 It was this loco that regularly worked the 17.09 two coach local from Chesterfield to Sheffield in 1962 , and after school it was customary to go down to the station and wait for it to arrive light engine .
9 The creatures of the open sea , then , live either in the plankton ; or live in the waters beneath and browse upon the plankton — or live upon the browsers ; or they live on the bottom , and wait for the planktonic manna to rain upon them from above ; or they feed on the creatures that feed upon the bottom .
10 In extremely dry periods , the lungfish of Africa just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of their temporary ponds , and wait for as long as it takes until it rains again .
11 Pepito had advised Trent to return to Belpan and wait for affairs to break into the open .
12 ‘ There 's nothing we can do but hang on here and wait for morning , ’ Lawler said to his wife , helping her onto her feet .
13 You are curious , you are looking for something else , because this is the second time that you have invited me to have a drink , you order cheiro as though you were one of us , you are a foreigner and pretend to speak like us , yet you drink little and then you stay silent and wait for me to speak .
14 They were ordered by Stirling to stay put and wait for him , as he was on his way back to the desert .
15 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
16 From the open door of the shed he had a good view of Firelight grazing and she got to know where he was and would come up to the hedge close by and wait for titbits .
17 One person , on being informed that he has a life-threatening illness , will sit back in sad acceptance and wait for the end to come .
18 I should be quite content , I thought , to live here for ever , smelling the cooking and the lavatory and the dust , looking forward to my two slices of bread at lunch or tea and my Red Cross stew at supper , thinking about all the books I am going to read and how nice it is going to be when I can speak German and Russian fluently ; I only want to be allowed to live , and enjoy the sun when it shines , and wait for it when it goes behind a cloud .
19 If there is a doubt put it in pencil and wait for confirmation from your own experience or from the reports of others .
20 ‘ Get into the trap and wait for me .
21 There were no books in the room so all I could do was look out of the window and wait for the quarterly chimes from the Cathedral Clock .
22 Silent amid the crowd 's applause , they breathe deeply and steadily as they mount the bike , control the trembling of the hands and wait for the time-keeper 's ‘ Allez ! ’
23 Seated in one of Kanazawa Industrial University library 's viewing booths , they just pick the tape they want to see front the list displayed , punch in its number , then sit back and wait for the programme to start .
24 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
25 It was only after they had peered into and groped about in what they felt certain was the right cave but found nothing that they decided to withdraw into the trees and wait for the dawn .
26 He advised the ladies to walk towards the town and wait for the men at the first hotel .
27 All we had to do was to patrol up and down the nets , take out the rabbits and wait for daylight .
28 They would have to send their gear out to be reviewed , and wait for the reviews to come back to know whether or not the product was any good ! ’
29 Do you build a picture in your head before you play anything or do you just jam around over the backing track and wait for something good to happen ?
30 While some of them are able to accept the situation with equanimity and wait for it to pass , others tend to panic and assume that the condition must of necessity be a permanent one .
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