Example sentences of "and provide an " in BNC.

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1 It has persuaded pubs to open during the afternoon , and provide an additional beer from a different brewery , through successful lobbying of Parliament .
2 As unsettled weather continues to frustrate efforts to start harvesting for many , we canvass the views of our ‘ barometer ’ growers and provide an overview of progress to date .
3 These invitations provide schools with an opportunity to spell out clearly to parents the values that they hold dearly and provide an accurate picture of their schools as centres of learning and excellence .
4 The course will stimulate interest in the study of modern society , its politics and history , ideas and literature , and provide an appreciation of the contemporary cultural heritage through the study of one of four strands : American Studies ; The Individual and Society ; Literature , Culture and Society ; and The Modern State .
5 The tour will include a visit to the timber workshop and provide an insight into the role of the ranger service in managing the park .
6 This year Dr Peter Morrell was also invited to discuss neonatal screening and provide an overview .
7 If the variable duty cycle waveform is applied to act as the control parameter of the switching regulator of Fig. 4 , then the voltage will be controllable over a wide range and provide an adjustable and stabilised output .
8 It will only cause a problem where none exists and provide an excuse for delaying payments on existing debts .
9 The awards are held at the Bains Douches club and provide an opportunity for the exhausted fashion business to get together , congratulate each other , slag each other off , and get appallingly drunk .
10 Chairman of Essex County Council 's Education Committee , Ian Abbey , said : ‘ The trust 's aim will be to make art accessible to everyone and provide an important education facility for our young people . ’
11 It is believed that the naming of roundabouts will help navigation and provide an identity for the entrance to built-up areas .
12 The water helps to keep the elephant cool and clean ; and the dust may encrust the animal 's skin and provide an extra layer of protection from biting flies .
13 The near bankrupt New York Historical Society ( see The Art Newspaper No. 26 , March 1993 , p. 4 ) has approved a financial plan intended to redefine the institution 's mission and provide an endowment for operating funds .
14 The full-colour illustrations will motivate children 's interest and provide an excellent springboard for both oral and written work .
15 They would be available to share expertise , offer advice and provide an informed focus for locally based educational advance .
16 His task is therefore two-fold : he must identify the ways in which Marx has been misread , and provide an account of the work which will lay bare its awesome originality .
17 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Software Products division has become a charter member of a new Tools Interface Standards committee , an industry group that aims to define specifications that enable vendors to enhance the interoperability and portability of 32-bit development tools and to improve the economics of developing 32-bit applications ; others include Borland International Inc , Intel Corp , Lotus Development Corp , Metaware Inc , Microsoft Corp , Santa Cruz Operation Inc and Watcom Ltd , which will work to define a set of tool interface specifications for 32-bit operating systems and provide an open forum .
18 Spiders have long provided a classic example of sexual dimorphism in body size , and provide an ideal opportunity for empirical study .
19 The ‘ add description to a report ’ option should be used to track the report and provide an audit trail .
20 These give a completely new perspective on the whole move into three dimensions and provide an interesting context for the more celebrated experiments of innovators like Tatlin , Rodchenko and Gabo .
21 Prescribing analysis and cost data are a computer record of all general practitioner prescribing and provide an excellent research base to investigate changes in prescribing , trends , and the health gain and cost implications .
22 Although they are a very different style from the furniture , they work well visually and provide an unusual contrast .
23 Santa in December will herald the next steam events and provide an introduction to the Steam on the Branch Specials .
24 Although they have received no professional training , they have learnt from the older generations a huge wealth of practical knowledge about childbirth and provide an invaluable service to the community .
25 Everyone in the organization should be entrepreneurial — seizing initiatives to sell more , reduce cost produce more efficiently and provide an even better service to the customer ; seizing initiatives to secure new customers .
26 This article will present a definition appropriate for community development , review the public health and social science literature that suggests the health-enhancing capability of empowerment , and provide an overview of empowerment education theory from Brazilian educator Paulo Freire .
27 The exhibition , curated by Peter Hamilton in close association with the photographer , will also show contact sheets and publications in which the photographs first appeared and provide an opportunity to assess the work of one of the finest photographers of the twentieth century ( 18 Apr. –21 June ) .
28 They are intended to complement one another and provide an element of variety for the note-maker .
29 These interpretations will fill gaps , clarify , explain , and provide an overall view .
30 To begin with , the lake would be of salt water , but as the water from the various rivers flowed into it , it would become fresh and provide an abundance of water for all the country 's foreseeable requirements .
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