Example sentences of "and becomes [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is always sad when someone is driven into a corner and becomes desperate .
2 A track runs east from the car park , alongside the magnificent Water of Nevis , starting off benignly enough to lure bored coiffured teenagers in high heels along it until they come a cropper as it climbs through the woods and becomes rocky .
3 We are unfree , not when our strongest desire is displaced by an even stronger one , but when it is thwarted by external circumstances and becomes impossible of realization .
4 As the narrative proceeds beyond Genesis , and becomes enmeshed in the story of the fortunes not of Israel the patriarch , but of Israel the people of God , it will prove much harder for the writers and compilers to keep the original purposes in view .
5 Consequently he defies the law and becomes involved in a township literacy programme .
6 the formula rarely varies : a young inexperienced , poor to moderately well-to-do woman encounters and becomes involved with a handsome , strong , experienced wealthy man , older than herself by ten to fifteen years .
7 In Scaramouche the main character , intent on avenging the death of a friend at the hands of an unscrupulous marquis , joins a band of travelling players and becomes involved in the French revolution .
8 The number of prisoners a section has accumulated during a shift is used as a measure of performance and becomes one of the bases of competition between the sections .
9 With the first method the picture is all too easily separated from its caption and becomes one of the candidates for the waste-bin mentioned earlier .
10 Trying to navigate through the ‘ nightmare of childhood ’ and a confusing adult world , innocently nasty Seth ( Jeremy Cooper ) uses pulp horror as his interpretative map and becomes convinced that his grief-stricken neighbour Dolphin ( Lindsay Duncan ) is a vampire , sucking the life from his elder sailor brother ( actually suffering from atomic poisoning ) .
11 It sculptures caves in its banks as it falls into a deep ravine , and becomes sedate only in its later stages as it leaves its dale to lose its identity in the River Lune .
12 Method 3 is , strictly speaking , only legitimate if the aim is to feature the gradual revealing of the background to the action ; otherwise , it is a slow and obtrusive alternative to a straight cut , and becomes tedious to watch if done to excess .
13 By Malcolm Gluck YOU CAN date your descent ( or , if you prefer , ascent ) into louche living from the moment champagne ceases to be merely sparkling wine of uniform effervescence and taste and becomes individual bottles of wine to be judged against others of like manufacture .
14 Where productivity is higher the carpet thickens and becomes peaty ; Allen and Heal ( 1970 ) reported moss peat up to 2 m thick , overlying rather than mixing with the mineral soil beneath .
15 It shrinks , under the influence of gravity , and becomes hot inside .
16 As the latter progresses and becomes higher , wider and more complex , so does the abutment .
17 The improvement will immediately show up in the viewfinder as the detail in the foreground lightens and becomes visible again ; however , the sky in the background will also lighten , and perhaps even become overexposed if there are some particularly bright clouds in the shot .
18 And so repentance and a purging process within the church as she seeks the face of the Father and becomes purified with a longing for holiness is to come .
19 capitalism and becomes rich as the we western world then th they 'll be all for that
20 Between adjacent segments , the cuticle remains membranous and becomes infolded to form the articular membrane .
21 He must read me because he stops and becomes serious .
22 Eventually more than two years after fertilisation started , the cone dries and becomes woody .
23 Even as it rises , it loses the counterfeit warmth of the sun which it has appropriated and becomes glacial , all its pockmarks visible .
24 Soon he is defeated and becomes peripheral to the social unit now dominated by the sexually active newcomer .
25 Once it has been formed at a mid-oceanic ridge new oceanic lithosphere subsides as it moves away from a spreading centre and becomes cooler , thicker and more dense ( see Section 17.6.3 ) .
26 No-one yet has found a way to halt the ageing process , and until that miracle cream is created and becomes available at the corner shop , the rules for saving your skin are simple :
27 The water available depends upon the amount of water that infiltrates and becomes available for pedogenesis compared with that which is removed by surface flow and hence is not available .
28 This test is very strongly positive when there is active infection and becomes negative , or nearly so , when the infection has been adequately treated .
29 With a zoom , however , it is larger when the angle is wide and the lens is at a short setting ( eg 25mm ) and becomes smaller as the focal length increases — the beam of light , originally wide , is ‘ squashed ’ within the longer tube and becomes narrower , while distances between camera and mirror and between mirror and screen remain the same ( the screen would have to move backwards at a measured rate for the image to stay the same size ) .
30 When someone gets a virus and becomes ill , the helper cells kill off the virus and usually they get better .
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