Example sentences of "and received a " in BNC.

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1 Her Royal Highness this afternoon opened the new Head Office Building for the Woolwich Equitable Building Society , Watling Street , Bexleyheath , and received a donation from employees for the Save the Children Fund .
2 Shah said he wrote to Knighton when his offer to buy out the shareholding of United 's chief executive , Martin Edwards , was first made public , and received a phone call last Friday from Knighton , who asked him if he wanted to participate in the deal .
3 ‘ Our client touched the ground on the island while he tried to control the dog and received a very strong electric shock .
4 The agreement , however , passed the House of Commons by 473 votes to 47 and received a similar endorsement in the Irish Dáil .
5 ‘ Sure could , ’ added Mueller eagerly , and received a look of cold disapproval from the Vice President in charge of Overseas ' Operations for his unwarranted opinion .
6 Some still claimed the Führer was not being told the truth by those around him , and received a far too rosy depiction of the situation .
7 He emigrated to the United States as a child and received a teacher 's certificate from Nebraska University in 1916 .
8 Nevertheless , Pateman sought a renewal of the grant and received a reduced , conditional offer from the Trust of renewal for one year if the District could secure alternative funding for a further two years .
9 November and received a great welcome so that he was able to advance towards London unopposed as any support for James II faded away .
10 Birches Green Infant School in Birmingham approached the undertaker and betting office for support and received a bottle of whisky and some new ties for their efforts .
11 By the age of twenty-four she had published her second novel , given birth to and buried a second daughter , buried her first son , given birth to a second , and received a letter describing the death by drowning and the cremation of her husband .
12 God seemed remote but I appealed for his protection and received a measure of assurance , though I felt that I was followed by an evil presence .
13 The fact that he did so with the help of Catholic mercenaries and received a letter of congratulations from the Pope has been overtaken by the mythology that this was a victory for Protestantism .
14 Known as composite longwall working , it was based on a self-selected group of forty-one men , who allocated themselves to tasks and shifts and received a comprehensive payment on a common note ( Trist et al. 1963 , 77 ) .
15 THE WAITS were a group of four musicians or minstrels who performed for the local corporation and received a badge and annual payment for their services .
16 The royal cavalcade entered London in early May and received a tumultuous welcome from its citizens .
17 When a movement called Christians for Socialism started in 1972 , they chose to have their inaugural meeting in Santiago and received a message from the President assuring them that ‘ Divisions today are not on the religious level or on the level of philosophic ideas : the real division is between imperialism and dependent countries . ’
18 I wrote to say so and received a courteous reply from the producer , who said , ‘ I 'm interested in the DIY approach you suggest and in our next series perhaps we 'll look at this more closely . ’
19 Fortunately , while this project was under discussion , Dean at Leicester Aquatics started using a new supplier of unusual fish , and received a number of interesting species including several Synodontis .
20 Having had three reviews printed and received a veiled death threat from The Godfathers , I was already something of a celebrity in my native Wigan when I took the train to Commonwealth House .
21 More like Nancy 's dumplings , said Alfred , and received a bash from his eldest sister for being personal .
22 By way of retaliation , Hugh threatened them all with deposition , and received a severe rebuke from Gregory VII for his pains .
23 At the finish , Lemon was found guilty , and received a suspended prison sentence .
24 Mr Williams had no bank account and received a crossed cheque marked ‘ not negotiable ’ payable to himself for £15 .
25 The questionnaire consisted of 39 questions and received a 60% response .
26 Randolph explained the circumstances to him carefully and received a ‘ Yes , Yes ’ at regular intervals .
27 Since in connection with this American libel we did not employ Mr Quintin Hogg , I wrote him a short letter and received a courteous reply : The third occasion when we instituted proceedings was several years later , in 1971 , when Harold Wilson was back in opposition , and related to the activities of the BBC , which produced a thoroughly incompetent piece of television called Yesterday 's Men .
28 Accordingly I telephoned him quite early the next morning and received a cordial invitation to come and drink a cup of coffee with him in his home in Lord North Street .
29 Schmidt began to turn his head and received a light slap .
30 I wrote in several magazines asking girls to share their experiences of pregnancy and motherhood with me , and received a tremendous response .
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