Example sentences of "and met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Representatives of tourism interests in the valley were invited and met over lunch to talk about the HCIMA and its work for the industry worldwide .
2 Usually held in October , it lasted for eight days and met outside the North Gate near the sloe tree which gave it its name of Sloe Fair ; discipline and disputes were enforced by a ‘ pie-powder ’ ( dusty feet ) court which sorted out the inevitable problems .
3 Balbinder had to be seen onto it , and met at the end of the day .
4 Battle and bloodshed and betrayal lay behind them , and now they met peacefully in this large house , and slept peacefully in their separate rooms , and met at weekends over the marmalade , and would continue to do so until Charles 's new appointment took him , in a couple of months , to New York .
5 In Roman hemispherical domes , brick radiating ribs started at the springing and met at the apex .
6 The dominion status declaration was made in October 1929 and met on the Congress side by what amounted to a demand that it take immediate effect .
7 But the Lord Lane I met at Aviemore could hardly have been more different — affable , witty and without a trace of self awareness of his office ; and if I call him Geoffrey here , it is only because after Aviemore we became friends , played the odd round of golf together , exchanged letters and met on several social occasions .
8 Warrington set out to contain Widnes in their own half and pressure them into mistakes , and met with early success on both counts .
9 He was even more baffled when he tried to convert some of his Duchy property in Kennington into small units for single teenagers — a group that finds it notoriously difficult to find accommodation — and met with vociferous local anger .
10 Venturi turned professional and met with considerable success .
11 Three shops — Circle K , the Bombay Restaurant and Border Insurance — display externally lit fascias and met with parish council objections .
12 Subsequently , the daughter visited England and met with John , when many happy memories were shared .
13 Cilla Black once got into a shouting match at a charity show when she tried to cry up her beloved Thatcher and met with voluble consumer resistance .
14 Demands from local groups for increased participation in the processes of decision making concerning housing and welfare were seen as politically inspired and met with hostility .
15 There the story remained until December 1988 when six members of the Fenland Aircraft Preservation Society ( FAPS ) organised a field reconnaissance and met with a local farmer who remembered the crash and took us along to the field .
16 The future was always a foreign country , always took him by surprise and was always challenged and met with a charge .
17 Nivelle 's campaign in Champagne opened on 19 April and met with the same fate as most earlier attacks : some 120,000 Frenchmen fell before the German machine-guns and by the day 's end an advance of only 550m/600yds had been made , in tragic contrast to Nivelle 's expected g.6km/6mls .
18 The opening film , Jennie Livingstone 's ‘ Paris Is Burning ’ ( currently beating box office records in N.Y. ) opened a window to the world of vogueing , an entire cultural phenomenon rifled for its video value by Madonna — and met with a mixed reaction .
19 Meanwhile an ebullient three-year-old bounced over the people and the furniture , clamouring for conversation and met with exhausted expletives , " Shut up … get … off do n't … "
20 Co-existence and co-operation between the two organisations were apparently accepted by members , but these were not easy matters to explain to them or to the hearing world , and met with at least some opposition .
21 A delegation of lawyers from the British Romanian Law Association has just returned from a successful trip to Romania , having given seminars in two Romanian cities and met with representatives of the Romanian Bar Association .
22 A year or so later , after Girls Apart had been shown by the BBC and met with outraged protest by the South African Government , we heard a rumour that Sylvia had been killed .
23 The Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin also visited Jerusalem , on Oct. 17 , and met with Israeli Foreign Minister David Levi , while Baker met with Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir .
24 The concept of a statute for the CIS was mooted in Moscow , and met with general agreement , even from Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk who had previously fiercely opposed the creation of CIS bodies .
25 Hornby was invited to a conference on Australian Colleges of Advanced Education in 197 1 , and met with Australian visitors at the CNAA .
26 The proposal has upset residents living near the base , and met with a mixed reaction from the travellers themselves .
27 A keen football fan , he attended Dinamo 's first leg 2-1 win and met with Linfield chairman David Campbell .
28 Arising from the resolute opposition by the District to the Board 's proposals , a sub-committee was also established by the Cambridge Board to consider its relations with the WEA and met for the first time in May 1938 .
29 The requirements of all nurses must be recognised , and met by allocating the appropriate experience .
30 Back in 1858 , the increase in urban development in Chiswick had required new controls — so the Chiswick Improvement Commissioners were elected by ballot and met in the hall of College House on Chiswick Mall .
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