Example sentences of "and worked on " in BNC.

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1 This untypically flashy Icelander , who has lived most of his life in Las Vegas , and worked on Mr Bush 's election campaign , has recently been in charge of polishing the images of Frank Sinatra and Donald Trump , the New York city real estate person .
2 Then in 1986 I moved down to London , played keyboards with a cabaret group and worked on my second book . ’
3 He retired soon after , became a surveyor and worked on the pipelines for North Sea Gas .
4 Norwood is now a fairly grubby inner London area , but when Camille Pissarro lived there in 1870 it was the very edge of the city , combining townscape and country in a way that Pissarro found particularly attractive ( he lived and worked on the outskirts of Paris for most of his career ) .
5 Charlemagne fought and worked on several fronts at any one time ; in the military , political and cultural senses .
6 He arrived with Archbishop Wallenstein , after having been trained in Rome and worked on the palace in 1676 .
7 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
8 D. At the time when the population started to increase rapidly , most people lived in small villages and worked on farms .
9 It was thought that Green took his large prepared copper plates out into the landscape and worked on them in front of the actual view , but when one looks at a print of a recognisable location the image is not reversed as would have been the case if a direct drawing onto the plate had been made from nature .
10 ‘ I went up to my room and worked on the lecture I 'm due to present this afternoon .
11 Friends I think I started writing in 1988 and I just worked and worked on it .
12 Indian Tamil women lived and worked on the plantations with their families .
13 But as Mrs Charley says : ‘ When you 've given up holidays and worked on a budget as tight as ours then you have to believe in miracles . ’
14 A famous example nearer to our own time is that of the Christian martyr Simone Weil , who joined the Renault workers on the assembly line so as to share their debasement , and worked on the land for the same reason , absurdly so in view of her frail physique .
15 Paul would depart early in the morning , leaving Dinah still asleep ; by the time he got back after his day 's reading at the publishing house , had had a meal , and worked on his manuscript , Dinah was long gone .
16 We had a fight for 15 minutes , then we had a quick five-a-side and worked on our set pieces for a couple of minutes .
17 It is about time chairmen and administrators started to listen to the managers and worked on fulfilling the pledge .
18 Acknowledging and dealing positively with political differences was vital to our continuance and effectiveness as we struggled and worked on fundamental issues of feminism and socialism , the emphasis of our commitment being governed to a large extent by our differing political histories .
19 John Arthur Johnson was born in 1878 and worked on a milk wagon , in livery stables , in bakers ' shops , at Galveston docks and in various other occupations while establishing himself as a boxer of some distinction .
20 In another cell-like room further along the corridor Irina Serov , once the only woman colonel in the Soviet KGB , now jobless since being thrown out in a Gorbachev purge , slid a comb tucked inside her tights into her hand and worked on her hair .
21 Sony Corp appointed Michael Schulhof , now vice-chairman of Sony USA Inc , to the post of president and chief executive of its US unit , which will be renamed Sony Corp of America : Schulhof joined Sony in 1974 after a mainly academic career as a physicist and worked on the development of the compact disk ; in 1989 , he became one of the first Americans to be appointed to the board of a major Japanese company .
22 Prior to joining the CCC , Angela taught both theology and media studies at a school in northern England and worked on local BBC radio for six years .
23 He would catch the bus to Piccadilly Circus — he sat on the top deck and worked on the crossword before turning to the company reports in The Times .
24 They looked after their dogs , and worked on their equipment — the sledges , skis , tents .
25 I got up early and worked on the farm .
26 He put the project to one side and worked on something else .
27 She has had a hit song with Roberta Flack and worked on material for , among others , Marvin Hamlisch and Spencer Jones .
28 After failing his examinations to enter the army , he sailed to Canada and worked on a farm .
29 He left school at the Ewart Institute , Edinburgh , at the age of sixteen and worked on his father 's farm , which was mainly concerned with a herd of dairy cattle , a small flock of sheep , and some pigs and horses .
30 At this time he also impressed fifty carpenters for service in Brittany , and worked on Portchester Castle , Hampshire .
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