Example sentences of "and especially when " in BNC.

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1 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
2 Occasionally , when he came back to Cambridge in later years , and especially when he came back to help the university elect another professor of divinity , he would be nostalgic , and say , ‘ I should like to have another go at being regius professor , .
3 This is indeed exactly what Moll does throughout the play , and especially when she beats up Laxton .
4 You could feel the crowd willing it in but it did n't make it and I was beginning to feel it was slipping away , and especially when we could only make par at the 17th .
5 Normally , and especially when the barbel are feeding with wild abandon , barbel bites on leger tackle are unmistakable , un-missable , and downright savage .
6 Dyspnoea ; they wake from sleep with a sense of suffocation , a sense of choking which can come on in the first sleep , a sense of strangulation when lying and especially when anything is around the neck ; neck is very sensitive to touch .
7 Stay assertive even when you do n't feel like it and especially when dealing with a submissive or aggressive person .
8 And especially when all its fire was being drawn to the southern stretch .
9 The proposed Directive sets out a number of principles that the supervisory authorities are to use as guidelines when discharging their functions and especially when granting exemptions to the rules provided in the proposed Directive .
10 It 's good to know that we have such capable luthiers in the country , bearing in mind the present overall despondency caused by the recession , and especially when the price of such individuality is so reasonable …
11 Yet , considering the sordid life to which the modern underclass is committed , and especially when their life is compared with that of the contented majority , it is an occasion for wonder that the discontent and its more violent and aggressive manifestations are not greater than they are .
12 Its fifty maps , according to county ( and especially when attractively coloured ) will fetch anything from £30 to £200 each , there being a greater demand for the Home Counties and certain others .
13 The counsellor as ‘ historian ’ is perhaps an unusual view , but by travelling through an individual 's life history , and especially when making a physical record through family albums , scrapbooks , memorabilia , and genealogies , the counsellor is in effect producing an important autobiography which serves both functions .
14 The Ampoules are designed for non-surgical , external application and contain very active ingredients , which when used correctly , and especially when used in conjunction with the other preparations in the programme can produce spectacular results .
15 There are snags here and there , and your patience is somewhat tested by the sheer overload of songs , yet you ca n't complain when both ‘ Read It In Books ’ and ‘ Bouncing Babies ’ retain their original qualities , and especially when ‘ Out Of My Mind On Dope And Speed ’ condenses three decades into three minutes .
16 But when the word was spoken by one who had the authority to speak , and especially when spoken in his presence and with his implied assent , he obeyed without discussion or reservation .
17 Of course — and especially when you only want a single rose to fill a gap — it is all very easy to succumb to the highly coloured and neatly packaged entreaties to impulse buying , conspicuously displayed in supermarkets , DIY garden centres , and even the local street market .
18 At other schools , however , in other counties ( and especially when a full-time librarian is available to receive the youngsters and add his or her strength to the teaching team ) the library resource centre is a useful additional area for work , and the use of its indexes and bibliographical reference tools an important part of the skill-learning aspect of the project .
19 In contrast , the restructuring school argued that this matching of hypothesized causes and effects , and especially when the causes were restricted to geographical location factors , was inadequate .
20 Never mind that this is very seldom what happens when a bullet strikes a forehead and especially when it comes out at the back of the head .
21 But when the word reached him , and especially when it was seen that Lord Grey himself was with the party , thereafter I can not be sure .
22 The British are supposed to be a staid , shy , retiring lot — and especially when they 're driving .
23 Other than in such cases of clear juxtaposition , dots can be assumed to be purposeful when there is graphic consistency , and especially when such consistency is combined with gentle expression .
24 It 's , it 's one thing legislating , it 's a completely different ball game when you are , erm , trying to enfor enforce it , and especially when you 're trying to enforce it with ingredients imported from abroad .
25 In truth , she found watching the endless circuiting a little tedious and especially when there was no one to talk to .
26 This did not seem a propitious moment for launching into an explanation of the possible repercussions of their lovemaking — and especially when she was having difficulty thinking .
27 Sometimes , yes , and especially when they 're juniors
28 And especially when it 's on the cor
29 And especially when in the summer months
30 he 's got to take consi into consideration the amount of recovery time that is required , and especially when they 're you know , interfering with the waterworks of somebody
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