Example sentences of "and go on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Begin at the beginning , ’ the King said gravely , ‘ and go on till you come to the end : then stop . ’ ?
2 The familiar and approved accounts of Scottish life have long favoured a country of hills and fields and firesides , where braw lads and bonny lasses dance reels and go on , after early struggles , to better things ; where the best thing of all is the kind landed family that comes up from London to visit them , famous for its stables , castles and ceremonies .
3 They must take advantage of their unconditional release and go on with the ANC .
4 Or we can cling to the old certainties — and go on as before . ’
5 Not only the Headingley crowd would testify to this ; Lillee , Thomson and their friends saw him reach his century from 71 balls against them in 1975–6 , and go on to his highest Test score of 169 .
6 The pupils of Ashcombe School , like the pupils of Dorking County Grammar , get good exam results and go on to university .
7 And go on clipping your hedge .
8 I thought that I would begin with an outline of the problems you face , and go on to chronicle your successes . ’
9 And go on hunting through those boxes .
10 These two factors alone may well be responsible for making would-be divers leave and go on to other things .
11 Please thank them all very much , and go on using the barn for as long as you like . ’
12 So , we would go to the clinic , then have lunch and go on to some special place — an afternoon on a beach , a boat trip round the harbour , a visit to Old Sydney Town or to Taronga Park Zoo .
13 It affects every citizen in the UK , in direct or indirect ways that , for example , the manufacturing sector of the economy has drastically shrunk or that large proportions of young people still leave full-time education and go on to experience only low-level , underfunded training thereafter .
14 Many adults survive the stormy family period of adolescence and go on to form happy and close relationships with their parents .
15 If the baby remains well , discontinue that food and go on to test another one , again eating it every day for a week .
16 If you are not familiar with any of these , I have summarised them below so you can learn the fingering shapes and go on to practise them in all keys .
17 Better to look at the written key word , get your practice partner to repeat the descriptive sentences ( which will then be easy ) and go on to the next on the list .
18 We hear from before birth and go on hearing continuously all the time .
19 So tuck , slip and lace I 'd need to move the left point cam , to start with , to between needles 2 and 3 on the right ( and go on moving it following the decreasings ) .
20 He had studied literature with the Open University for three years , and already planned , albeit theoretically , to complete an honours degree and go on to do some postgraduate work .
21 The experts describe the problems that arise , outlining the main areas of choice , and go on to make specific proposals for improvement in reporting practice .
22 I 'll throw 'is Lordship over me shoulder and go on down — 't is not much farther .
23 This illustrates the line to be drawn between credit which people genuinely choose for themselves from a range of options , and credit which they use and go on using almost automatically — credit which is therefore not entirely subject to the healthy influence of open competition and free consumer choice .
24 I was being utterly foolish ; my duty was to stay on , do A-levels , and go on to Oxford or Cambridge ( which took an extra term ) ; the local grammar school was not good enough to fulfil this latter purpose and if I went there , I would only be throwing my education away ; and , besides , did I not realise that , in the face of difficulties , one should never give up , but struggle on and thus establish a superior strength of character ?
25 Having set off in great style from Salzburg in their own carriage , they were now so impecunious that they were obliged to sell it before the frontier and go on by postchaise .
26 Let's close that chapter and go on . ’
27 Feminists can only challenge individual men on a case-by-case basis , and go on trying to make clear why particular usages are insulting .
28 Work to improve the ship 's sewerage system will then start in Swansea and go on until Friday .
29 Continue on this track , cross Mill Clough and go on past Knipe Farm and aim for the corner of Fernlee Reservoir .
30 Buy two £175 fish and go on about the bargain you 've got ?
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