Example sentences of "and yet so " in BNC.

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1 So much had changed , so much was new , and yet so much was still my childhood Berkhamsted .
2 ‘ You are so foreign and yet so familiar .
3 There are few children who do not experience the death of a much-loved grandparent or pet when they are quite young , and yet so often they are excluded from all the changes that go on at the time of a grandparent 's death , as though in some way this will leave them unaffected .
4 One minute a mere tomboy Neighbour with a habit of putting a spanner in the works , the next Kylie was an overnight sensation , a pop princess with the Midas touch , so ordinary and yet so electrifying .
5 I believe there 's a new film called ‘ Tender Comrade ’ — that title begins to express it ; it 's the comrade in you that makes our passion so deep and yet so clear …
6 And yet so many people are pleased with the way they manage to hide their emotions — to maintain that ‘ stiff upper lip ’ of which men in particular seem to be so proud .
7 Maybe to lift guilt from bowed shoulders ; to put light and hope where there was deep-seated despair ; or to so simply and yet so vitally make them know that like any other human being , they are entitled to ‘ choice ’ — and actually have it .
8 I could not think what it was that could be for me and yet so heavy .
9 It is so simple and yet so effective .
10 Not easy for us , was what she 'd been warning me , being so near and yet so far , so tantalizingly inaccessible to each other .
11 It was so brutal , and yet so matter of fact .
12 Initial impressions of the B-1R were extremely favourable ; at only 1U high it 's slim and stylish , and yet so functional .
13 No one could find out why this apparently healthy young woman suffered symptoms which were so intense and yet so varied .
14 This is the chapter of the Secret Weapon — a weapon so powerful and yet so readily available .
15 As Professor Fred Halliday of the London School of Economics points out above , The Gulf Region is so crucial to us all and yet so very volatile .
16 What did he do after being so close and yet so far ?
17 It was n't just the defeat , how near and yet so far away .
18 Paradoxically , one of the biggest , says Thomas Davenport , a management consultant with Ernst & Young and one of the earliest advocates of re-engineering , is a company 's existing computer system , which can be so complex and yet so central to the firm 's business that it is too expensive and too risky to scrap entirely ( though not always — see box ) .
19 Dimples mischievously collide with each other at odd places around his face as he glances at me and wonders how on earth I could ask a question that is so dumb and yet so fundamental .
20 This must be the watchword of the Western democracies who have so painfully and yet so necessarily dismantled Saddam Hussein 's war machine , at such a cost in lives and scarce resources .
21 So an extra place was laid , and Jennifer allowed to sit between Jill and Nathan , with Matthew pulling faces to amuse her from across the table and Tristram in a flame of embarrassment at having her so near and yet so far .
22 Such comments explain why there can be so much discussion of undergraduate courses within specific disciplines , and yet so little of the undergraduate curriculum as a whole .
23 Much of it is awful and yet so technically good .
24 Also there was something decidedly impressive about the sight of Bill Brice kneeling there — so young , so overweight , so ambitious , on such premature bad terms with his wife , and yet so humble and submissive , with the toecaps of his suede desert boots turned over , and a drawing-pin sticking disarmingly in the heel of one of them .
25 Bourani seemed greenly remote from all that ; so far , and yet so near ; its small mysteries , which grew smaller as the week passed , no more than an added tang , or hazard , in its other promise of civilized pleasure .
26 To be so close to a girl and yet so rarely be able to caress her .
27 I fired again , calm and yet so full of fear , so full of fear I forget how often I fired .
28 So near and yet so far .
29 I realised this the first time I saw her dressed up to go out — excited , nervous and yet so alive .
30 He knows there are times when we feel so deeply and yet so confusedly that we can not frame petitions , but simply come in silent pleading to the Lord .
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