Example sentences of "[n mass] now [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Only three kinds of fish now exist in the lake , compared to 38 in the 1970s .
2 Many people now go without the necessary treatment because they can not afford prescriptions .
3 I was thus thrilled to read , in the first chapters of Richard Brennan 's book , an argued attack on the cult beliefs , unproven theories , ignorant superstitions and mumbo-jumbo pseudoscience that so many people now prefer to the hard work involved in becoming technologically literate .
4 Although few people now reside in the immediate locality , it is a gathering point for young people , who hang around the shopping area and occupy the bench seats located in a landscaped approach .
5 Nine out of 10 people now listen to the radio for about three hours every day , despite having more TV stations than ever to choose from , according to the Cultural Trends report for 1993 .
6 Over 200,000 people now live in the area , as opposed to 5,000 in the 1960s .
7 ( WES ) So many people now descend on the Wye Valley every summer that conservationists say some roads may have to be closed at peak times to restrict the number of visitors .
8 A committed runner himself and one of the original running shoe repair specialists , Davis claims that compared with the boom years of the mid-eighties fewer people now look to the skills of the cobbler .
9 We have made real progress in developing our non-oil related businesses where sales now account for a good proportion of the Group 's turnover
10 Publisher 's themed series now account for a significant part of the market , but are too many thought up by designers and marketing departments rather than horticulturalists ?
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