Example sentences of "[n mass] were [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 A few reindeer were grazing on the sparse tundra .
2 These data were stored on the large IBM installation of the Central Electricity Generating Board in London , and an " in house " written data base handling language , INFSYS , was used to marshall the data .
3 For each compound , data were collected on the type of house , possessions , animals , and access to vitamin-A-rich foods .
4 The aircraft were ranged on the decks before dawn , but on ‘ Furious ’ the first Fulmar failed to start and had to be put below .
5 Around 2,000 plants worth £200,000 were found on the site at Lower Avenue in Bowers Gifford , near Basildon .
6 People were gathered on the dock , spilling from a warehouse full of food and drink and fresh air , and thunderous with moth raga .
7 In a separate appeal issued on the same day to the Lithuanian people Gorbachev said that developments in their republic were causing " extreme concern and bewilderment " throughout the Soviet Union , and that people were calling on the Soviet government to use " economic , political and administrative measures " to defend the USSR Constitution and the country 's integrity .
8 One time we were on some stunt on the airfield and the people were encroaching on the ground and we were told to push them back .
9 The report from one such course recently was that , during the film , various people were tapped on the shoulder and asked to leave not only the showing , but also the company .
10 I have never felt so unhappy in my life as I did on that short airlift to Dibrugarh , leaving Burma almost entirely in the hands of the Japanese , and knowing how many hundreds of people were stranded on the railway line below Myitkyina .
11 Hundreds of people were arrested on the grounds that they were suspected of rebel activity .
12 Behind him , people were lolling on the lawns among the neat flower-beds , ignoring
13 Murray died in 1915 , by which time three more editors and a large staff were engaged on the project .
14 This last was not such a great risk , because most of the stage staff were needed on the Prompt Side at that point in the play for a forthcoming scene change .
15 The national press and media were travelling on the plane with Mrs Thatcher , but the local photographers and journalists were going directly to the airport ahead of time .
16 To replace the depleted vegetation a range of species were planted on the island in the nineteenth century , including the maritime pine ( Pinus pinaster ) and blackwood ( Acacia melanoxylon ) , as well as a variety of herbs and shrubs which have now established specific vegetation zones .
17 His famous Etruria works were built on the canal and the carriage costs of coal and raw materials from Liverpool , including the vital china clay shipped to the Mersey port from Cornwall , fell to a rate of 13s 4d ( 67p ) per ton compared with the old road carriage rate of £2 10s ( £2.50 ) .
18 Stations , hotels , and all other railway works were capitalized on the mineral riches which had first attracted the Spanish .
19 Relatively few scientific works were placed on the Index .
20 The pair were spawning on the vertical side of their chosen rock facing away from the front of the tank .
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