Example sentences of "[n mass] are [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The promotions business is going through a rocky time , and the Hoover jinx has now hit the Coca Cola Co in the UK , the Guardian reports : customer services at the company 's British headquarters are besieged with callers believing they have won Sega Enterprises Ltd games machines because one batch of bottles appears to make every purchaser a winner ; any bottle cap with the letter M , G or B printed on it wins a Sega prize , but the problem batch have all three letters inside the cap as part of a code to identify consignments , and the company is having to spend thousands of pounds on advertising to make it quite clear that its only caps with only one of the letters that win , and that all three are no good .
2 Many do not successfully complete this journey as anemones are often a limited resource on the reef and most of the fry are eaten by predators before they can reach protection .
3 The data are based on reports supplied by the participating general practitioners .
4 Data are presented as medians and quartiles .
5 Myeloperoxidase activity data are presented as units per mg protein .
6 The Oxford Record Linkage Study does not collect information about prescriptions but data are collected about admissions to hospital for peptic ulcer .
7 Extensive amounts of data are collected on convictions , the prison population , children in care , etc .
8 Data are collected from parents and children , primarily through standard anthropological methods .
9 Such arguments sit uneasily within a tradition of British poverty research where data are constructed in ways which prevent ‘ race ’ ( let alone racism ) being a focus of analysis .
10 Those with botanical data are listed under habitats below .
11 Parametric data are expressed in terms of the mean and 95% confidence interval ( CI ) and comparison between groups was by the Student 's t test .
12 Non-parametric data are expressed in terms of the median and lowest possible CI above 95% as calculated by the binomial based method , with comparison between groups by the Mann-Whitney U test .
13 The required data are found in tables 5.6 and 5.9 : In the above example the experimental value for the standard molar enthalpy of hydrogenation of ethene is – 137 kJ mol-1 .
14 Methods of analysing this large amount of data are discussed in chapters 5 and 6 .
15 Presumably the remaining 20% are formed from combinations of these four classifications :
16 and to clarify which types of fish are covered by controls .
17 If the fish are eaten by humans , the larvae will migrate from the alimentary tract into other tissues , causing a form of visceral larva migrans which can be fatal .
18 It has been said , with some truth , that more fish are killed by cures than diseases .
19 The fish are drawn into nets using an electrical charge ; the more fish that are caught the purer the water is likely to be .
20 And where the tins of fish are juxtaposed with fragments of Mariana 's body the evocation is also of death and putrefaction , perhaps also of coarse jokes about the distinctive ‘ fishy ’ smell of vaginal secretions .
21 the trout are stacked in rows
22 By themselves the facts are neutral but in so far as moral views about the proper role of the media are based upon presumptions about facts , our empirical findings are bound to have moral implications .
23 In much the same way you can choose your friends but not your relatives , famous people are pestered by devotees gripped in varying degrees of obsession ; ranging from the mildly brain-damaged to psychopaths of the most dangerous order .
24 ‘ It is manifestly unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate excess goods , squandering available resources while masses of people are living in conditions of misery .
25 Many individuals and even whole people are living in conditions which are ‘ an insult to their innate dignity . ’
26 More than 870,000 people are living in families on income support in Scotland .
27 Unfortunately that 's one of the problems we have is people are sent on courses .
28 The names of many people are recorded on documents signed at Halling and these names are repeated over and over again by the historians .
29 One hundred and ninety thousand people are injured in accidents at work every year — a figure that appalls health and safety campaigners .
30 ‘ It 's ridiculous the way people are appointed to jobs , ’ Charlie was saying .
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