Example sentences of "and whatever the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever we do , and whatever the horse does , happiness is the emotional reward for making the correct response to some other emotion .
2 And whatever the weather was like outside , inside the mill it was always like a hot swamp .
3 And whatever the matter in hand , there was still time for a perusal of Wednesday 's football results .
4 The NFFO was a clever device intended to ensure that , whatever the commercial pressures under privatization and whatever the state of nuclear economics , a proportion of electricity would continue to be produced by nuclear power .
5 But is there anything that must be true of all life , wherever it is found , and whatever the basis of its chemistry ?
6 But whatever the size of the smallholding and whatever the intentions of the owner , the first consideration must be the land itself .
7 And whatever the advance , demonstrations suggest that Zuccarelli 's system , like all previous ‘ dummy head ’ systems , will turn out to be a technically interesting dead end .
8 He himself had been roundly booed in Jamaica and whatever the reasons , the Barbadian public could not bring themselves to come out in support .
9 When we talk of a ‘ mindless occupation ’ , for instance , I take it to describe a situation in which activity is possible without having to think and feel about the meaning of the relatedness between the person and whatever the objects are that he manipulates .
10 Whichever way his tastes lie , and whatever the capacity of his purse and his bookshelves , it is certain that no other single work offers to the collector such variety of choice , experience and discovery as four and a half centuries of the book of which Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale ( 1609–76 ) wrote to one of his sons who had just recovered from smallpox :
11 And whatever the outcome , victory or defeat , leave obvious displays of gloating , anger or tears until afterwards .
12 But whatever the papers think , and whatever the English management says , there has never been any trouble between us and the English players .
13 But despite the current popularity of Personal , Social and Health Education , Active Tutorial Work , and so on , and whatever the rhetoric of the school , they can see that their prime concern is only incidental to the formal scheme of things , and they know that the national tide is not running in their direction .
14 And whatever the reasons for considering a residency , there is little point in merely setting up your studio somewhere else and carrying on with your work oblivious to new surroundings and fresh inspiration .
15 Comparing the work I have done here to that produced in other areas of England and Wales this seems to be to be a perceptive observation , which is verified by Laura Knight : ‘ But whatever the month , and whatever the time of day , the beauty of the landscape for the painter in the West Midlands would be hard to beat .
16 One does not have to agree with Shumiatski 's aim of revolutionizing the masses to accept these remarks as a nice corrective to those views of Chaplin as a proletarian and whatever the political reasoning they do offer insights into the psychology and social psychology of the ‘ little man 's ’ persona .
17 However , like a bad-tempered dog , the weather can turn very quickly , and whatever the weather charts show , by the end of October you could have frost and a covering of snow .
18 If you are unlucky and suffer a bad frost-burn , be prepared to prune the stems further back to the next dormant eye , whatever its direction , and whatever the date .
19 Clearly assistance is not given to all kin invariably and whatever the circumstances , but are there certain relationships where it is given almost automatically ?
20 In fact , depending on the size of the excavation and the range of finds , more people may be engaged in the post-excavation analysis than during the actual excavation ; and whatever the size of the site , the post-excavation analysis takes at least twice as long as the excavation itself .
21 Although I found it impossible to imagine such a conversation with Mrs Monro , I had no doubt that Lili was telling the truth , and whatever the psychological convolutions the facts were there .
22 When your family members went mad these days you had to keep them at home , and whatever the sound policies , on the part of the government , which lay behind this decision , it was undoubtedly inconvenient for those upon whom would fall the burden of caring for the deranged .
23 She had instinctive good taste , especially in her dress , and whatever the setting she always looked right .
24 And whatever the scholars of the sixteenth , seventeenth , and eighteenth centuries may have said or thought in private , there were very few who were prepared to come out into the open and publish opinions directly at variance with Holy Writ .
25 On to the present , and whatever the political and academic motivations behind the all-embracing National Curriculum , there is no doubt that it has had one overriding effect : it has demoralised teachers , and its prescriptive nature and reliance on testing have reduced their spare time and sapped their energy .
26 Evenings , yes , with a bottle of cheap wine and whatever the cafe had cooked that was cheap and would quench his hunger .
27 And whatever the way of it , had I been in the Lord Owen 's place , with my chief enemy thus presented naked into my hand , I doubt if I could have resisted the temptation .
28 It showed up in the scan — one child in three , they say , is now born with some imperfection or other , mostly minor , sometimes major , and whether that 's due to pollution , or insecticides , or growth hormones , or radon gas , or nuclear power plants , take your choice , take your pick : and whatever the cause , the mothers stay healthy enough , are sufficiently medicated one way or another to bring babies to term — and we all said to Edie , what 's a missing leg ?
29 We own this project now , not her , and whatever the history of the deal , we 'll run it our way .
30 Whatever stage we have reached and whatever the problems with cancellation charges , given the running costs of the fourth Trident submarine , we are bound to save money in the long run .
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