Example sentences of "[n mass] and [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They then began to play a game which involved tearing pieces off the aircraft and hurtling them at each other .
2 First , there is the problem of transmitting the huge volumes of data and managing it on its way through a network to users .
3 As work on the time series package is completed it will be possible to start work on programs for use with cross-sectional data where a vital requirement is for flexible facilities for managing data and preparing it for analysis .
4 The information comes from selecting data and presenting it in such a way that it is meaningful and useful to the user .
5 To determine how to improve drill bit efficiency for the 12 ¼″ well section , Fear recently spent two months gathering data and processing it at BPXC .
6 ‘ Your daughter 's a cheat and a liar , ’ the father said , taking his plate of fish and placing it on his knees .
7 ANEW study of the poet of Xanadu and The Ancient Mariner has won the Whitbread Biography of the Year prize , earning its author £1,750 and leaving him in the field for the Book of the Year £20,250 prize , to be announced on January 24 .
8 Social groups create deviance by making rules whose infraction constitutes deviance and by applying those rules to particular people and labelling them as outsiders .
9 Fifthly , rebellion , giving up the conventional goals and means and replacing them with new ones .
10 Such a response involves sharing information with staff and involving them in decisions , some of which have budgetary implications .
11 Darwin 's discoveries on the Beagle voyage had the effect of gradually breaking down his faith in the fixity of species and converting him to a dynamic view of the relationship between living things and their environment .
12 For example polymethyl methacrylate ( Perspex , Plexiglas ) may be moulded to any desired shape by warming it to temperatures little over 100°C and cooling it in the deformed state .
13 Cos what I 'm doing , I put them on a series and keeping them for revision .
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