Example sentences of "[n mass] have [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the SAS he undoubtedly learned rather more than that , including the survival skills which he has had to draw on so often in expeditions which have not always gone according to plan.He has been a full-time explorer since he was 25 and ‘ like everybody else , in every career , you do n't retire until you have to , ’ he says.His CV reads like a non-stop Boys Own adventure — shooting up the White Nile in a hovercraft , parachuting on to the Jostedalsbre Glacier and negotiating more than 4,000 miles of Canadian and Alaskan rivers.Between 1979 and 1982 , he circumnavigated the world on the Transglobe Expedition , becoming one of the first men ever to reach both the North and South Poles overland .
2 Latterly flying as the flagship of Australian TV comedian Norman Gunston , the aircraft had been a familiar sight at Bankstown and , although grounded for the last ten years , had remained substantially complete .
3 This riles the anthropologists because theorizing about the rules governing mating between close kin has been a major anthropological preoccupation for well over a century .
4 Bringing music to so many people has been the great satisfaction of my life .
5 Economically , the Nile perch has been a mixed blessing .
6 At Wembley , a 3–1 victory would by no means have been a flattering outcome for Ireland .
7 Edward Sagalayev underlined the fact that the media had been the main contributors to glasnost and perestroika .
8 Press reports noted that Mugabe had during the March 1990 general election campaign promised public-sector pay increases and salary restructuring , but that senior staff had been the main beneficiaries .
9 These people have been a great help .
10 Earth-based radar studies have determined the topography and the texture of about 25% of the Cytherean surface , but radar studies from spacecraft have been the main source of such information .
11 Although his practical works have been an enormous blessing to the Church of God , he actually wrote far more books on Christian doctrine .
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