Example sentences of "[n mass] in [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Plans for VT229 to include its restoration to flying condition and it is hoped to display the aircraft in the colours of a wartime F.3 .
2 In Atlante occidentale , the writer Ira Epstein meets the particle physicist Piero Brahe after a near collision in mid-air between their two light aircraft in the skies above Geneva .
3 ( a ) which sets out the data you assembled during your research in sufficient detail to allow your reader to understand the analysis that is to follow ; and ( b ) which refers your reader to more detailed research data in the appendices to your report .
4 For example , there are two sum icons — a 2D sum that sums the cells to the left or above the cursor and can even fill in the row and column totals for a block ; and a 3D sum that consolidates data in the pages behind it — so you can do cookie-cutter sums on a whole range in one go .
5 At least the poor bloody infantry in the trenches during the First World War did n't have to put up with that .
6 The Canadians say that sulphur , falling as acid rain , is killing fish in the lakes of southern Ontario and Nova Scotia and damaging forests .
7 COLONEL FRANK MORGAN , who has died aged 99 , served with the Imperial Camel Corps in the campaigns against the Turks in the First World War , and with the Royal Corps of Signals in the Second .
8 He even kept six shaggy bison in the grounds of his castle , and had a Wild West hat which he donned to complete the pioneer image .
9 The Somerset and Avon Railway , which is working towards reopening the railway between Radstock and Frome , holds its sponsored walk and fun day at its headquarters in the sidings in Radstock .
10 ‘ There is an important German headquarters in the suburbs of the town .
11 an assertion of realism is the first recourse of any oppressed group wishing to combat the ideology promulgated by the media in the interests of hegemonic power .
12 They complained that , with the Georgian media in the hands of Round Table-Free Georgia , they had been maligned personally and their platforms ignored .
13 I think what what what never ceases to amaze me about about people in the flats on benefit , is is how many of them do manage , how many of them never owe a penny .
14 Hence the cars , the holiday trips , the barbecues , the pets — I remember in 1959 being amazed to discover how many people in the suburbs of Washington were keeping pet chimpanzees !
15 We would n't let them meet on the corners because the people in the houses on the corners always used to complain of the row that they made — used to chase them .
16 By contrast , the young ones were able to interest old people in the workings of microwave ovens ; after cooking lessons from the young six or seven old people went out and bought them !
17 His Lambeth Constitutions of 1281 laid down that the priest should instruct the people in the basics of the faith and preach at least four time a year in English .
18 The inclusion of representatives from local groups of disabled people in the debates at Ashdown is not likely to provide simple solutions to the dilemmas faced by professionals and parents , but it would provide a different perspective which could help ensure that the interests of the students as young disabled people were pursued .
19 How did successive economic regimes affect for instance , the lives of people in the villages of India ?
20 Many of the people in the villages on the fringe of Dartmoor were afraid of what lay at the heart of the upland .
21 Rice is one of the most important foods in the world , providing the basic diet of many thousands of people in the countries in which it is grown .
22 Of course , the problem can be expressed in economic terms — the maintenance of a given number of aged people in the conditions of modern society is relatively more costly than in the past : in accommodation , in service , and in attention — but , as I say , money benefits and subsidies are not the heart of the matter .
23 yes , but is the insurance not , does it not cover people in the premises outside office time .
24 Tom Stonier , in Wealth of information gives a neat and explicit reason for educating young people in the uses of new technology , when he states , " An educated workforce learns how to exploit new technology ; an ignorant one becomes its victim " .
25 Now awareness of other persons similarly depends on synthesizing perception of their bodies with imagining and feeling from their viewpoints , and awareness of myself on synthesizing imagination of my body from other viewpoints with perceiving and feeling from my own ; otherwise I would become , to vary Ryle 's dictum that the mind has been commonly conceived as ‘ a ghost in a machine ’ , a ghost in the company of machines , no longer aware that I resemble other people in the respects in which they resemble each other .
26 It is perfectly clear that long before the procession came into sight , long before the procession had formed , these people in the Markets in their desire to be offended had come down from the side streets and had taken great trouble to he offended , and not only were prepared to be offended but were prepared to throw missiles , stones and other weapons …
27 If , as Phoenix suggests ( 1988a , p. 154 ) , ‘ race ’ is seen as something that only influences Black women , this silence about ‘ race ’ is likely to signal an absence of Black people in the populations of most poverty studies .
28 ‘ The next thing I knew the people in the stands behind the goal were jumping up and down .
29 I think one is largely on judging people in the hands of the media , looking at it from an ordinary party member I think it 's the air he gives , whether it 's an air of confidence competence and perhaps and air of confidence , the way he handles himself in the House of Commons , the things that he actually says , because within that time you 're not able , in fact , to have achieved much erm parliamentary wise , one very much has to judge a person by what he has .
30 Davide recognised his own people in the mourners of the tomb wall-paintings , women who strode forward in sandals , arms linked in a chorus line to send off the dead with exuberant and noisy rites .
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