Example sentences of "and [vb -s] himself " in BNC.

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1 GULF WAR hero Major James Hewitt is a charmer who loves the high life — and prides himself on his royal friendships .
2 He has never stayed in any one place longer than a couple of years and prides himself on knowing when to go .
3 pulls on his trunks then he swims for a while , gets out , takes off his trunks , puts his towel round himself , rubs himself , walks round the pool a couple of times and rubs himself
4 He takes one of the smaller cars and drives himself .
5 Disappointed , he returns to his rooms and consoles himself by looking through his collection of photographs of ten boys he has loved .
6 Here too he has been most thoroughly tested , and the fact that Padre Martini , the idol of the Italians , speaks of him with great admiration and has himself set him all the tests , has increased his reputation all over Italy .
7 Paul Collins , for , who lives in Somerset , is an Alexander teacher who has explored running and has himself set ten world records for veterans .
8 Their baby Charlie was born in 1989 and has himself been one of the show 's stars .
9 Of course he 's answering accusations when he stops and defends himself .
10 I was particularly taken by Patricia Routledge , unmistakeable even looking through a letter box , and by Lionel Jeffries for his affecting rendition of : The troops are ready to mutiny , The colonel is missing or dead , When up steps a bold , young lieutenant And places himself at the head .
11 There was a trinity within everyone , consisting of the three powers of the soul which corresponded to the three divine Persons : memory , understanding and will ; it enabled us to be , to know and to love what we are in the same way as God knows and loves himself .
12 fairy-tale in which the wolf kills and eats the grandmother of a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood , then gets into her bed and disguises himself in her clothes to trap the child .
13 A problem arises when a person makes a mistake about the circumstances by which he is confronted and supposes himself to be under attack when in truth he is not .
14 Thomas Hoving tells all — and exposes himself
15 It was painful , beautiful and obscure , a not uncommon state of affairs when the creator also directs , gives a running commentary on the action and writes himself into the story at the end .
16 He snaps and frets and worries himself into a frenzy .
17 Jim Bob , thousands of miles from home , still nurturing that Fagin-style goatee , sits backstage at Boston 's Paradise Club and allows himself a crooked smirk .
18 One player says he 's only had his cycle this term and finds it very diifficult and he falls off a lot and hurts himself .
19 He mumbles , ‘ Oh shit ’ , puts the gun to his head and shoots himself .
20 He had so much bloody power and he goes and shoots himself .
21 How easy is it to show concern for school work when a beloved father takes you to school in the morning and kills himself by midday ?
22 This eclectic mixture soon wins him a following amongst the rest of the neighbourhood 's equally disturbed teenagers but when one of them takes his exhortations to action a little too far and kills himself , the authorities move in .
23 They were trying to introduce changes and then the secretary goes and kills himself and we 're back with the Commander , God help us . ’
24 In some cases , the author seeks to disguise his presence and distances himself from the narrative by employing techniques such as interior monologue , dialogue and intermediaries , which simultaneously highlight the subjective nature of the material presented and create the impression of an autonomous narration .
25 An old man dressed in traditional clothes appears and , facing the rock , says a prayer and prostrates himself .
26 Freddie clears his throat , and forces himself to look Howard in the eye .
27 For example , Policyholder visiting a friend 's house , trips over a loose carpet and injures himself .
28 Ranald was first in the door , the water fair drip-dripping off him , and shakes himself like a dog .
29 A merchant who likes riddles is murdered by his servant , who later hangs himself ; a small , fat , morose man who thinks he is a Hector with the ladies and , when he realises he is not , goes out and hangs himself .
30 Dumbo puts me in the front passenger seat and seats himself behind .
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