Example sentences of "and [vb past] towards " in BNC.

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1 The Brigadier set down a fat puppy that he had been holding and squelched towards the yard , driving a dozen pullets before him .
2 But still it 's an important paper that sort of broke away from a lot of the traditional thinking and led towards a lot more feminist stuff .
3 He turned and tottered towards the office doors .
4 ‘ Fucking bitch , ’ he hissed and lunged towards her .
5 Harry , galvanized by the words , sprang from his seat and lunged towards the door , but too late : an impenetrable barrier of glass and metal separated him from his quarry .
6 He made a perfect landing and taxied towards the hangars where half a dozen men waited in Luftwaffe overalls .
7 Curiosity aroused , the rider turned his horse and rode towards them .
8 Fearon turned his horse 's head and rode towards her .
9 When he had n't moved , one of the humans had fetched a box out of the back of the truck and crept towards him as if expecting Masklin to explode .
10 He rose obediently and lolloped towards them .
11 These all use an architecture based on stacks and segmentation , and oriented towards high-level language usage ; its fully-developed form is described in Hauck and Dent ( 1968 ) , Creech ( 1970 ) , and Organick ( 1973 ) .
12 Howling a fervent execrating battlecry , Bjortson broke from the pack of cadets and sprinted towards the alien prisoner .
13 His point was that a war in peacetime would have to be fought against unemployment , as it persistently remained above one million in the 1920s , and rose towards three million during the severe cyclical depression between 1929 and 1932 .
14 One of the ducks , who had taken shelter nearby , heard Uncle Alfred and swam towards them .
15 ‘ Come on in , funky , ’ he called and swam towards her , a slow , lazy breast stroke .
16 As she drew closer , a burly , red-faced police sergeant detached himself from the crowd and moved towards her , notebook in hand .
17 I excused myself from Mr Cardinal and moved towards the doors .
18 A quick flick of a comb through her hair — there was no hat to accessorise this dress — she reached for the crocodile clutch bag and moved towards the doorway for Arlene to give her a quick check before she stepped out onto the catwalk again .
19 Mother looked at them , shook her head and sighed , then advising Etty to rinse herself with the warm water , she turned , stood up , and moved towards the door , unaware that her apron-strings were entangled with a handle of the zinc-tub …
20 Slowly he put down his glass and moved towards her .
21 Willie got up from the table excitedly and moved towards them .
22 Shock made her cry out , and he closed the door and moved towards her in quick strides , putting his hand across her mouth to stop-her scream .
23 He exposed himself in a railway carriage and moved towards the victim , inviting her to have connections with him .
24 Uncertainly Jean-Paul picked up his jacket and moved towards the door .
25 Hari straightened her shawl with trembling fingers and moved towards the door .
26 Craig shook his brother off easily and moved towards the fireplace .
27 Perhaps it is time we placed less emphasis on our role as individual therapists teaching specialist skills , and moved towards the position of educators and organizers of self-help services .
28 Sabrina shrugged and moved towards the youth .
29 She saw it , a paperback Margery Allingham , on the shadowy sofa and moved towards it .
30 He stood up and moved towards the door .
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