Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb past] the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The flow of oil was for the most part halted after a few days when US aircraft bombed the pumping manifold stations .
2 In view of the fact that £20 constituted the base line for richer taxpayers , it is difficult to explain why mere husbandmen , who typically were small farmers , should have formed three-quarters of the £20-£39 class , far outnumbering yeomen , businessmen , and even gentlemen .
3 The aircraft hit the runway flat and at speed with unavoidable consequences .
4 The aircraft departed from Bristol Airport for a non-scheduled flight to Base and there was no evidence that the flight was other than routine until the aircraft reached the Base/Mulhouse terminal area .
5 Director Robert T. Buck told The Art Newspaper , ‘ The Master Plan is on hold .
6 An additional supply of exogenous bFGF accelerated the ulcer healing probably due to the increased angiogenesis and the proliferation of cells such as myofibroblasts in the granulation tissue .
7 More unfortunate offspring included the monster TYPHON , as a result of her mating with the king of the Underworld , Tartarus .
8 In the 1950s , Peters records , people used the word hurr to distinguish owners of land and water rights from their clients .
9 A total of 4,940 people used the swimming pool last month at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre , Sedgefield District Council figures have revealed .
10 Over 50 people entered the handicap event which was finally won by 14- year-old Scott Friedberg .
11 NEARLY 1,000 people will be tested for Hepatitis B after visiting an acupuncture centre where three people contracted the killer virus .
12 The second allegation was that medical staff allowed the oxygen level to remain above the accepted safety level .
13 At first a few individuals left off talking , then this engendered a positive feedback , more people heard the gathering soundlessness and responded to it so that whole tiers shut up .
14 The deficit of £535,122 included the club record £700,000 signing of Ian Olney from Aston Villa .
15 Meanwhile , BP staff watched the fund management contingent closely but were disappointed .
16 After discussion , staff felt the policy statement had to be a succinct reminder of the aims and ways of bringing about real ‘ working together ’ , spelling out why , what , how , when and where partnership is developed .
17 A handful of people crossed the harbour square , dawdling on their way home or to drink after work .
18 The first reaction to the gold prospecting came when a group of concerned people formed the group Mining Awareness following press reports in March 1988 of gold finds in Conamara and Mayo .
19 ‘ A lot of people thought the world clique was an élitist group of artists .
20 On the Sunday , the theme of ‘ They shall be comforted ’ continued when about 70 people attended the Awareness Day in St Thomas More 's , Middlesbrough .
21 NEARLY 100 people attended the Sitar restaurant in Darlington last night for a charity dinner .
22 The Scottish people saw the community charge as the most hated tax that had been implemented within their memory .
23 For at least twenty years after the Second World War most people supported the welfare state but since then it has come under attack from all sides .
24 Staff decorated the banking hall specially for the occasion and ‘ props ’ included a garden patio set , a sun umbrella and a refreshing-looking glass of fruit juice .
25 The cross-party calls came as MPs considered the treaty bill line by line .
26 85% found ECAs helpful in clarifying standards and 92% found the ECA role to be appropriate to a devolved assessment system .
27 These monumental works employed the ogee curve , an important development in English Gothic , soon to be exported as the basis for continental Flamboyant .
28 Of the children born in Seascale 57% entered the village school ; the others were assumed to have left the village .
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