Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The-other four Goshawk aircraft came down in an angled line which allowed each gun to rake the target from nose to tail in a continuous devastation of bullets .
2 Léonie and Thérèse knelt down in the straw .
3 They stopped at the balustraded terrace overlooking the small lake , and leaned over ; below , enormous golden fish lay around in the green water .
4 UI reportedly told staff laid off in the last two weeks that it was short of funds , attributing the situation to an accounting error .
5 Has it occurred to the Minister that the problem is that there are plenty of young people camped out in the open air , but that they do not have any work ?
6 He was n't allowed to work that day , so people turned up in a white shirt and tie and looking smart , they had to wear uniforms even a cap but unfortunately nowadays , although a lot of the I have seen quite a few people their uniform has changed since I left , but erm they do come to work in very very casual work now .
7 We used his PA system which was a bit ramshackle , but it worked — that was the main thing — and about 25 people turned up in the little mock Tudor , oak panelled dining room that was part of The Three Tuns pub in Beckenham .
8 The police were then called to the house and found two people tied up in a back bedroom .
9 Shelter estimated that 25,000 to 40,000 young people slept out in the open in Central London in 1987 .
10 Ten people sat down in the dining-room at ‘ The Hollies ’ after partaking of a well-chosen sherry — a good Machamudo , Henry thought — in the drawing-room .
11 He has more than £50m wrapped up in the concern , via his 35% share stake , and needs to protect it .
12 The pair made off in a yellow car .
13 But as police stood outside the pair sped off in the car .
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