Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] at [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the two aspects of the debate were not always synchronised in the same people or at the same time .
2 The aim is to enable the patient to understand the effects of his behaviour on other people and at the same time to help others understand their role in the behaviour .
3 Together we will enable your donation to help Scotland 's homeless and poorly housed people and at the same time answer emergency appeals — like the Ethiopian famine — build fresh water wells , and hospitals in developing nations .
4 A bargain price may well attract considerable sales and at the same time discourage competitors .
5 I now have a hell of a lot more time for people but at the same time I do n't seem to tolerate fools as well as I used to .
6 This means that we have to specify a number of assumptions , and those we have chosen are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of how the economy works and at the same time to simplify the analysis in a way which enables us to see clearly how DD unemployment can arise .
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