Example sentences of "and [art] rest " in BNC.

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1 It is not Naipaul 's ; it does not constitute the author 's testament or confession on the subject of race relations and the rest of it .
2 But whether the statement is rhetoric or reality , particularly for Mr Charles Haughey and the rest of the Fianna Fáil leadership , we will have to wait and see .
3 Our civilization has at least this to its credit , he wrote , that it has found a way of rounding up this dishonest crap and incarcerating it in morgues , in fortified places with guards and alarm bells and the rest , thus keeping it off the streets , protecting decent citizens , and now , he wrote , there are even moves afoot to repel intruders by making them pay hard cash to enter these fortified places .
4 And by this stage in this commentary , he wrote , there is no need to qualify the words success , triumph , and the rest , qualifications can be taken as read .
5 There will not always be critics and the rest , just as there will not always be man and the rest .
6 There will not always be critics and the rest , just as there will not always be man and the rest .
7 I suddenly agreed with you about prizes and fame and the rest .
8 No doubt if I had responded to Hilda and Annie and the rest as they told me I should respond , as they all told me my true nature , my deeper nature was crying out to respond , I would be surrounded today by love and wives and children and the rest .
9 No doubt if I had responded to Hilda and Annie and the rest as they told me I should respond , as they all told me my true nature , my deeper nature was crying out to respond , I would be surrounded today by love and wives and children and the rest .
10 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
11 That is the difference , he wrote , between me and Goldberg , me and McGrindle and the rest .
12 If I could stay hidden until Kezia and the rest of the foreigners had gone , I would be all right .
13 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
14 Martha went out to check her trolley and the rest of us , somewhat half-heartedly , searched the room .
15 ‘ It 's a really nice house , and the rest of the people living there are very easy-going so … no problem . ’
16 He rose up on tiptoe , looking round for James , Allan , and the rest .
17 Never again , except in the nostalgic hopefulness of a few — would the ceremonies be performed ; gone were the offerings , the blood-shedding , the fire and incense , the gorgeous ( and the plain ) robes , and the rest of the sacred imagery which ‘ fenced-off ’ God 's otherness from the people — and brought them close to him in awe and penitence .
18 The rescue machine was poised for action , and the rest is now history .
19 It is the doors and drawer fronts which provide the main attraction , and the rest of the construction is hidden behind them .
20 In fact the street names and the rest belong with the extremely important disjunctive flotsam of the book : paintpots , old rope , the odd sock , boots that once belonged to the Secretary at the English Embassy , twists of paper , egg-shells , fish-guts , frayed blood-soaked strips torn from trouserbottoms and coat-pockets , an axe-sling in ribbons ( ‘ Little bits of tom linen can not possibly arouse suspicion ! , ’ ) half-eaten meals , small change , miscellaneous pawned objects , candle-ends , trousseau-stuff ( ‘ fancy boxes , dressing-cases , ornaments , dress material , and all that sort of junk from Knopf 's and the English Shop ’ ) broken crocks ( cherepki ) , and skulls ( cherepi ) .
21 In 1939 , for instance , in an obituary of Ford for The Nineteenth Century and After , he had written of ‘ the stilted language that then passed for ‘ good English ’ in the arthritic milieu that held control of the respected British critical circles , Newbolt , the backwash of Lionel Johnson , Fred Manning , the Quarterlies and the rest of ‘ em ’ .
22 Pound — thanks to Hewlett probably more than anyone else — had , at the time of his dinner party for Hewlett and Prothero and the rest , the chance of moving into that society .
23 and the rest as time has cleft it .
24 The electorate has long since rumbled Tony Benn , Eric Heffer , Dennis Skinner , Ken Livingstone and the rest .
25 Only then will two vitally important and complementary goals be achieved : to improve Britain 's general educational and vocational competence , and hence our productive capacity ; and to reduce our gross educational inequalities between the elite who receive a narrow education to a very high standard , and the rest .
26 Emboldened by its example , Hong Kong 's Legislative Councillors decided that not less than half their number should be directly elected in 1995 , and the rest 10 years later ; they later scaled the first figure down to 40 per cent , to win the suport of more conservative interest groups .
27 Instead of cutting the sling , she cut the ureter , and the rest of us were henceforth dismissed as equally brainless .
28 The LA Plan has direct implications , practical and political , for the rest of the country , and the rest of the world .
29 THERE are two things to remember about Tyrell Biggs , the 28-year-old Olympic gold medallist from Orange County , California , who stands between Gary Mason and the rest of his career .
30 On actual racecourse achievement , Rock City is head and shoulders above Cordoba and the rest of today 's field , having won Royal Ascot 's Coventry Stakes and the Gimcrack Stakes at York .
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