Example sentences of "[n mass] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , given the large amount of data already impounded in share prices , and that few well-informed investors will be induced to trade index futures who did not already trade shares , the increase in information reflected in share prices is likely to be small .
2 Second phase would be to capture Chris ' data held on about 20,000 cards , and integrate this with Aljos Farjon 's data already held on disk .
3 In addition to the mapping programme , the three-dimensional structure of the Upper Palaeozoic basins is to be mapped seismically , using deep reflection data geologically calibrated by borehole and outcrop information to produce depth contour , isopach and other maps .
4 The latter aircraft actually served at Castle AFB during 1960 and ended its Air Force career in 1976 .
5 Investments in Flash memory and liquid crystal diode displays mean that Sharp Corp will keep both capital and research and development expenditure almost unchanged in the fiscal year starting tomorrow : Sharp will invest $225m to double output to 200,000 displays a month and will add $130m to the $86m already invested in fabrication plants for Flash memory , using the design it licensed from Intel Corp ; and it is plans to invest $86m in research and development .
6 Mr Jones , of Herbert Jennings Avenue , Wrexham , appeared at the town 's magistrates ' court last month over a disputed demand for £60.26 allegedly owed in respect of his 1992–93 community charge .
7 The pole floats range from .3 to 1.3 gram and retail at around 90p , the wagglers take between 2BB and 4AAA and retail at around £2.60 for a pack of five or between 50p and 60p individually depending on size .
8 These beautiful fish quickly adapt to aquarium life , and make ideal occupants for the reef style aquarium where they rarely interfere with any of the invertebrates .
9 Given that a good deal is also known about how people successfully adapt to bereavement ( Parkes and Weiss , 1983 ) , a possible format for intervention programmes is already available .
10 These people rarely volunteer for investigation in controlled EEG studies .
11 PROSPEROUS people rarely die of cholera .
12 Should we not rather be appalled at their heedless and destructive course through a world where people daily perish within sight of their conspicuous profligacy ?
13 People only go to hospital when they are sick or are visiting the sick .
14 But there have been people so sunk in self-blame they 've taken on the guilt of their firm 's collapse — which really does have to be nonsense .
15 The moas have all gone — mostly wiped out by the Maoris , who arrived in about the tenth century AD , and have dispelled the myth that hunter-gathering people necessarily live in harmony with nature .
16 The media constantly complain about defamation law , with some justice .
17 If you go to the parks in Peking early in the morning , you will see hundreds of people gently exercising for health and longer life .
18 ( One of the originators once told me that his memory of the first few weeks of the organization was of people literally waiting in turn to answer the phone every time it rang . )
19 We , we felt at the end of the seventies that there was no question that the eighties was going to be a decade of increasing food shortages , and widespread famine , that is , people literally dying for want of food .
20 A lot of people just think by definition the world is going to carry on as it is today , but it does n't .
21 Otherwise people just stayed at home and ignored Government encouragement to come into the office .
22 Well people generally complain about sex on television so , the way it 's being presented .
23 ‘ It actually improves the quality of life , even for people not connected with angling , because anglers are the first to tackle pollution .
24 He has pledged to give greater state help to the estimated 37 million people not covered by health insurance in the USA .
25 These Working Groups would undertake tasks of a practical nature and they could provide opportunities for people not attracted to committee work to become involved and make a contribution .
26 Scientists monitoring the level of solar radiation have warned people not to sunbathe without protection for more than forty minutes .
27 Affirming that " practically every leader agrees that negotiation is the key to reconciliation , peace and a new and just dispensation " , and in support of the government 's " declared intention to normalise the political process … without jeopardizing the maintenance of good order " , de Klerk announced changes which he said removed some of the most important obstacles to negotiation , namely ( i ) the lifting of the ban on the ANC , the PAC , the SACP and a number of subsidiary organizations ; ( ii ) the release of those imprisoned for membership of one of these banned organizations ( but not members imprisoned for politically motivated crimes involving violence ) ; ( iii ) the abolition of the media emergency regulations and of the education emergency regulations , although restrictions would remain on " visual material pertaining to scenes of unrest " ; ( iv ) the removal of restrictions imposed on 33 organizations under the state of emergency , including the National Education Crisis Committee , the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) , the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and an extreme right-wing group , Die Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging van Suid-Afrika ; ( v ) the lifting of personal restrictions imposed on 374 people already released from detention ; and ( vi ) a six-month limit on detention without charge under the emergency regulations , with detainees henceforth being entitled to legal representation and their own choice of medical attention .
28 What hope is there for asthma care in the future if the family health services authorities and health boards continue to rely on staff not trained in medicine or nursing to make ‘ quality of care ’ decisions ?
29 The Society of Telecom Executives , representing 29,000 managerial and professional staff in British Telecom , yesterday instructed its staff not to cut off phone lines to ambulance stations if called to do so by BT .
30 I was able to reassure them that those staff not required on site would be relocated into other company stores .
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